13~ Cookie Thieves

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The ride back to Adrian's home was a quiet one. I only brought one box with me as the rest couldn't fit in the Pagani. I glanced at him studying his features a little closer. I noticed that he has slight freckles splattered around his face. 

"I'll have my men pick up the rest of your things if you want it all back at home?" He said it as if it was my house as well.

"Sure. I'll just text my mom that your guys are getting my things." I realized that I didn't have my phone on me. 

I sighed as I remembered that I left it in the closet at home. If only I was smart enough to find a dress in the closet that had pockets. I internally smacked my head at the fact that I forgot one of the most important things I need to live.

"I don't have my phone on me..." I admitted.

"Here, use mine. It's in the pocket closest to you." He offered me his phone.

Reaching over the centre console with my left hand, I dug inside his suit pocket for his phone. When I found it, I carefully fished it out of his pocket realizing that he has a password. 

"Your phone's locked...what do I do?" I was dead serious when I asked that. 

"Here..." He took his right hand off the wheel using his thumb print to unlock his phone.

I searched through his phone for the messages app and opened it. In a new message I typed in my mom's phone number and sent her a message letting her know it was me and that I was using Adrian's phone. 

"Hey, this is Adeline. I'm using Adrian's phone to text you! I accidentally left my phone at his house, but I'm just letting you know that he will send over some of his goons to get the rest of my boxes. Love, Addy." I typed to my mom. 

As usual she doesn't respond back right away, so I put his phone back in his pocket. I go back to staring out the window for a little longer to help me memorize every bit of the city. I want to know which turns to take and all that in case I ever leave. I was deep in thought about my new life that I never realized that we were already pulled into the garage. 

I knew that Adrian secretly enjoyed opening the door for me, so I waited for him to round the front of the car and open my door. I found all the small gestures welcoming and inviting. When I first came to this house, I was mortified by the big change. Now I'm becoming more accustomed to it as he does his best to make sure I feel at home here. Somethings I still don't want to accept, like the fact that I can't see my friends. There was no rule that stated I couldn't see them, but I don't want to overstep my boundaries. He's a mafia boss and anything can happen in the blink of an eye. I wouldn't want to put my friends in such danger with him. 

Walking in to the house I smell the delicious smell of freshly baked cookies. Chocolate chip cookies to be exact. I followed the sweet smell all the way to the kitchen where I saw the chef setting out fresh cookies. I put my box down on the floor so I could snag a few cookies before someone eats them all. Hades would, but he isn't around is he? More for me! The smell of cookies just brings me back to the times when I had a grandma to bake cookies for me. She passed away when I was around the age of three. I can still recall the time when I ate all her cookies and got a stomach ache.

Sneakily grabbing a cookie and shoving it in my mouth so I can carry my box, I run up the stairs. I looked back a few times even though I knew the chef was too busy baking to chase me. I made the dumb mistake of jogging backwards and running into the hard chest of someone. This person was built like a brick wall. I hit them so hard, I launched forward a bit about to fall right on my face when an arm wrapped around my body. I was brought back into this brick wall by an incredibly strong arm holding me back, squeezing me to death. 

Shocked from the moment I slowly turn my head and out of my peripheral vision I can make the figure of Adrian's head. 

"You gotta be careful around here, Sweetheart. You could've fallen backwards if my body wasn't there to stop you." He worried. 

I tried to speak, but my words came out muffled by the cookie I still had in my mouth. He grabbed the part of the cookie my mouth has touched and pulled it out of my mouth so I can speak properly. 

"Thanks, I guess for catching me... if you don't mind, could you get the door for me." He understood this time and let go of me to open the bedroom door. 

I walked in setting the box down on the bed. I then remembered the cookie Adrian was holding, so I turn around to find him leaning against the door frame. He was eating my cookie. My jaw dropped to the floor. I was upset that he ate the cookie I stole. All that hard work for nothing. He just continues to smirk at me mischievously while he finished the last bite of the cookie. 

Before I could rush to him and playfully shove him, he sped walked down the stairs. My short ass had to take ten steps for every two of his strides. He must have heard my quick steps because he slowed down enough for me to catch up to him. 

"Okay, what in the hell was that!?" I asked with fake anger. 

"Oh, nothing... I thought you didn't want it, so I ate it." He admitted shrugging his shoulders. 

"You owe me a stolen cookie." I narrowed my eyes at him while he stopped in the middle of walking.

I was close to crashing in to him again but I made note not to. I was only inches away from him. I was so close that I could kiss- wait no. I don't want to kiss a man as fine as him. Maybe. 

Feeling conflicted over my thoughts I back away and run to the kitchen with hopes that the cookies are still laid out on the countertop. I grabbed a new cookie and sat down on the island stool munching happily on the cookie. Adrian walks in behind me and raises his hand to pat my shoulder then he moves behind the counter to be face to face with me. 

"Sheila's cookies hit the spot, don't they?" He chuckled lightly. 

I nodded my head acting upset with him by giving him silent treatment. 

"Come on, speak to me. I know you're not mad at me, you're just trying to piss me off with your dumb silent treatment. I know that game all too well." He grinned as he was right. 

I sighed in response finishing off the rest of my cookie. It's going to take a lot more effort to get this guy mad. I hop off the stool thinking of ways I could poke fun around here. Maybe I could prank him...

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