11~ The Ring pt. 2

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Today I'm taking Adeline to find an engagement ring and to get her belongings and bring them back to my home. The other night Hades suggested that I get her a ring for when we go out for those mafia events. At some point Adeline will become a target and if she doesn't have a ring on nasty, vile mafia don's will try to snag her away from me. Plus it will also show our connection, with her wearing that ring she will be feared and respected because she is mine. 

Everyone will know she is mine. Coming to think of it, it's such an indifferent feeling saying she's mine when I've never been with any other woman in my life. The only women that are in my life are my mother and sister. I never expected to have a future wife. Hell, I didn't plan on even getting a girl because of my working habits. I was scared they would leave because I'd work long hours and not spend time with them. I was scared they would reject me because of what I do for a living, so I vowed to stay away from women. 

That was until I first met Adeline. She was ethereal, absolutely took my breath away and swept me off my feet. I didn't show my interest in her to keep cool and to seem like I had no care. Truth is I do.

After I told her to be ready for lunch I went to my office to make a quick phone call to my good friend, Augustus. He owns a big jewelry company, only the best of the best for my wife. I asked him to purposely set out the most expensive, beautiful, and high quality engagement rings he could find. I don't know her ring size, so we'll just have to wait and see if the ring fits. 

After the phone call I did a bit of work and sent what I had to Hades as he runs the mafia while I'm on break. If anything goes out of hand and he can't handle it, he gives me a call. 

I spent about an hour doing a bit of work leaving me with an hour to spare getting ready for lunch. I want to take Adeline to a cafe that my sister used to love, because they both have the same taste. They both like the same kind of music. I bet she'll like my sister's favourite food. Grilled cheese with Swiss cheese instead of cheddar. 

I left my office to go change into my suit as I may need it later. I wonder where Adeline has gone because she isn't playing the piano. The only other place I know of is the backyard, I'm happy she's found something more to do but there could be someone out there watching her. So every time she goes out there I watch her carefully through a window that faces the yard on the second floor. The maid informed me that she would be out there again today, but when I looked she wasn't there. I began to panic thinking someone took her, I searched all the places in the house I could think of. There's a low chance she's in my parents' library because I have kept those doors locked for ages. She couldn't be in there?

I went back to my office and called Hades asking him if he's seen her. He wasn't any help as he laughed at me the whole phone call. He's such an ass yet he's still my best friend and right hand man. After ending the phone call, I go and check the bedroom in case she slipped past me without me realizing it. Upon entering I see a book sitting on her nightstand that wasn't there when I was in here. I go and inspect it. It was a book from the library. How did she get it?

Just then I hear shuffling coming from the walk-in closet and hear her stepping out. 

"Where did you get this?" I have those doors locked at all times unless it needs to be cleaned. 

"I got bored and found a library. I didn't know I wasn't allowed in there. I'm sorry." She apologizes. 

I can't be mad at her though. She'll crumble and I just can't bring myself to pick up her broken pieces.

"When you're done with it, please put it back. I don't want you in there without my permission." I said, "Come on, we have something to get to."

I walked out knowing she'll follow like a lost puppy. I don't mind the silence, but this kind of silence makes me nauseated. 

I led her all the way down to my garage that holds all my beautiful babies. My cars and the Kawasaki bike I inherited from my dad. I have it tucked away as it brings back too many memories. I think I'll take her in my blacked out Pagani.I be a gentleman and open the door of the car for her and let her take my hand as she sits down. I don't want her falling. I close the door and get in the drivers side and then we're off. 

The drive to the cafe in this car isn't long and we make it there in a few minutes. I live in a secluded area on the outskirts of the city. Some things are a pain to drive to but it's worth it. I beat Adeline to the passenger door and open it for her. I don't want her walking in to the cafe not knowing what to do, so I go in first and lead her towards a nice table way in the back. 

"I'll go and order something I think you'll like. What do you drink at this hour?" I ask as she sat down. 

She told me she just wanted water and that's fine with me. I go up to the counter and order our lunch. The whole time I was ordering the lady that works the register tried to hit on me. With a disgusted look I go and wait in line for the food. They call out the order number and I take the food back to the table. 

As I sat down to eat with Adeline, I could feel her unease. I know why they're staring and it doesn't make it any more worse that their stares are affecting her. I hand her the food and tell her that they're jealous that I have such a gorgeous girl sitting with me. It's true that I would stare jealously at her sitting with a guy. Like, c'mon, how can you not see her beauty?

After she devoured her food, we left to go to Augustus' place. Again I beat her to the door twice. In a row this time. We walked in to the store and the first thing I see are the rings. Good man Augustus, good man. Purposely, I pretend to look down at the rings to make some small talk with Augustus. 

"Any design in specific?" Agustus played along.

"Anything she wants." I stand straight pointing towards Odett with my thumb. 

At the acknowledgment of her presence, Adeline perked up and turned toward us with such curiosity. I found it adorable how she was so interested in everything here. I stepped back a bit giving her space to come forward and look at the rings. Man, did Augustus put out some amazing rings. It doesn't matter the price of it as long as she's happy with it. 

When she found the one she wanted Augustus took it out knowing well that I didn't want it boxed. But he still decided to ask and play along. I told him not to box it as a queue to let us have a moment as I grabbed the ring from him. 

Carefully picked up Adeline's soft hand and put the ring on her finger. It was a perfect fit and only added to her ethereal beauty. This woman can do the simplest thing and still take my breath away. Once the ring is on, I give it a quick glance and kiss the top of her hand. I don't know why I left her standing there but, I just had to let that soak in. I know how shocked she was.

I payed for the ring and we left on our way to the next destination. She asked me why I got her the ring. I didn't want to tell her that Hades suggested it so I told her in my very possessive way, "so everyone can see who you belong to." 

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