10~ The ring pt. 1

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After we put the boxes back in the closet we went our separate ways. 

"Before you go do whatever, I'm taking you for lunch. We have somewhere to be today so I'd like for us to hit the road as soon as possible." He notified me before I went back down the stairs.

"Oh, uh...is there any theme?" I was shocked that he said 'we' were going somewhere.

"Just wear a nice dress." He said leaving to the bedroom. 

I continued down the stairs thinking about what to wear since I don't have MY clothes here. Lunch is in a few more hours so I might just go out and work on the back yard a bit. 

As I freshened up the plants I wondered how lunch with him will go and where we will be going. It sounded urgent if he wanted us to leave as soon as possible. But I guess he's in a rush for whatever reason, maybe he has more work to do and wants to get something done now so he has more time to work? The list goes on. 

After an hour or two of working on the garden I felt like reading. I'm not much of a reader but ever now and then I will pick up a book. I wandered my way back into the house looking for someone who can tell me where to find a book in this place. 

I searched for a minute and found these strange double doors down a hall way I've never been to. I'm not sure if I'm allowed over here, but I want to see past the doors. They're beautiful doors that look hand crafted straight out of a fairytale. I gently grab hold of the door handle and push one of the doors open. Walking in was one of the most magical moments in my life. 

It was a small but tall library. The curtains draped slightly over the windows casting a beam of light through the room. In the dimly lit library, I searched for the light switch and turned on the lights. From the ceiling hung another beautiful chandelier. There were book shelves on the side of the room that had no windows and on the side with windows, was a little family area. I walked to the book shelves and ran my fingers along the dusty spines of books as I took in the room. When my hand stopped at a book I pulled it out. 

"The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle..." I read the title. It was a historical fiction book by an author named Avi. (I love this book, a masterpiece, chef's kiss) 

I've never heard of it before, but it sounds interesting. I took the book over to the little seating area and read. I couldn't put the book down once I began reading it. It was so good that I read it all and lost track of time. 

"Oh it's almost time for lunch" I reminded myself as I looked at the clock in the library that hung over top of a fireplace. 

I left the room taking the book with me to the bedroom hoping to read it again soon. I placed it on the nightstand on the side of the bed I sleep on. I made my way to the walk-in closet pulling out the nicest dress I could find that fit me. It was a  flowy sundress that wasn't too long with the only pairs of shoes I have here. I pulled on my converse and walked out of the closet to find Adrian holding the book I put on my nightstand in his hand. He seemed conflicted.

"Where did you get this?" He questioned staring at the book not bothering to look at me.

"I got bored and found a library. I didn't know I wasn't allowed in there. I'm sorry." I apologized. 

"When you're done with it, please put it back. I don't want you in there without my permission." He said. I just nodded even though he couldn't see my face. "Come on, we have something to get to." He placed the book back on the nightstand not bothering to spare me a glance as he walked out.

I followed him in suit to a garage filled with sports and designer cars. We stopped at a black Pagani Zonda R. Adrian grabbed the keys out of his suit pocket unlocking the car. He opened the passenger door for me and held out his hand for me to grab as I got in. He shut the door and rounded the car to the driver's side. This car was sleek and smelled freshly cleaned. It was flashy, and luxurious. Something my parents can't afford. We made our way out of the garage that was, to my surprise, underground and off the property. It didn't take long for us to get to the place we were having lunch. 

It was a quaint little cafe full of rich people. I felt like the odd one out because everyone was dressed in some high end piece of fabric. He led the way through the cafe to find us a table. 

I sat down as he said, "I'll order you something I think you'll like. What do you drink at this hour?" 

I smiled at the gesture and responded, "just a water, please!"

He nodded and made his way to the counter. I felt the stares of everyone in this cafe. Either they were staring at me out they were staring at him. Either way it made me uncomfortable.

Adrian came back with what he ordered and noticed my unease.

"Don't worry. They're only staring because the big bad mafia boss is with a girl. I would stare too if I saw someone a pretty as you with a guy. Damn, I would be so jealous." He reasoned. 

"Oh...I-" I was speechless. He called me pretty. 

"Here, I thought you would like something similar to what you would find in a cafe near your home." He handed me a grilled cheese with Swiss cheese instead of cheddar. 

I don't think he realizes that I used to eat grilled cheese all the time at my old home as it was a 'peasant' food. To be honest though, this was the best grilled cheese I've had in my entire life. 

"Must have been good if you devoured it that fast!" He chuckled shaking his head.

"It was the best grilled cheese I've had. Cant blame me, I was hungry." I chimed.

He finished eating and we set off to wherever he was taking me. I looked out the window most of the rid making small talk with him. The car slowed and pulled into a parking spot in front of an expensive jeweler. He was first to get out and quickly opened the passenger door before I could. I liked all these small gestures, it shows that he has some care. We walked into the jewler's and he of course, opened the door for me again. 

"Oh! Good day, Adrian!" The old man at the counter greeted. 

I assumed they were acquainted because of the man's friendliness. The man also had a heavy Italian accent.

"What can I do for you today, my boy?" The old man questioned with a smile. 

"I'm looking for an engagement ring." Adrian said looking down at the jewelry in the glass cases.

"Any design in specific?" The old man asked.

I followed him looking at all the jewelry that surrounded us. 

"Anything she wants" he straighten out his posture and pointed towards me. 

At the mention of my presence I perk up and turn away from what I was looking at towards the two men.

"Well, come have a look then, my dear." The old man smiled towards me.

I looked at Adrian filled with curiosity. 

"Go ahead, it's for you anyways." He backed up allowing me to move forward as he crossed his arms.

I moved forward to look at the ring case for something I liked while Adrian stood behind me. Watching. Watching as I picked out a ring. 

"This one." I pointed at a gorgeous engagement ring as it was what we came here for. (Your ring off choice)

"An amazing pick that will surely compliment your beauty." The old man smiled and took the ring out of the case. 

"Don't box it, Agustus." Adrian came forward and took the ring from the old man's hand. 

"I'll just go ring up the bill for you then, my boy." He walked off to the register leaving Adrian and I with the ring. 

It was truly a beautiful ring. Adrian inspected the ring before he grabbed my left hand and put the ring on my ring finger. After he put it on he kissed the top of my hand and walked to the register to pay for the ring. I stood there for a minute in shock at the show of affection from him. 

Shaking off the feeling,I made my way towards Adrain as he finished paying. We bid our goodbye's to the old man before leaving the store. In the car I couldn't stop looking at the ring and how it was a perfect fit. It was beautiful. 

"Why did you get me the ring?" I was still conflicted over the way he kissed my hand. 

"So that people know you're mine now and to show them who owns you. Even if we aren't officially married yet, I still want them to see."

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