12~ Apologies

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We continued down the road to Adeline's old home. Her left leg was bouncing the whole way as her nerves were getting the best of her. She began fidgeting with her fingers as a worried expression painted her face into a pale colour. I glanced at her face noticing she was becoming paler than I thought. To stop her leg from bouncing I carefully placed my hand on her leg using my thumb to rub soothing circles on her knee. 

Her leg stopped bouncing the instant my hand laid on her leg. She was still fidgety so I spoke to her. 

"Breathe, okay? Deep breaths, you're going to pass out if you keep breathing like that." I tried to help her. "Take a deep breath with me okay?" 

She nodded and we took a breath together. My eyes kept going back and forth between her and the road.

"Good. Now what was your favourite thing about growing up in that home?" I asked trying to keep her calm.

"Uhm- in the morning...my parents would brew coffee and the smell was just heavenly. I would beg them to have a sip, so they made me a fake cup with water and chocolate syrup. I thought it was the same thing for years, until I figured out what it was." 

"You'll have to tell me what freshly brewed coffee smells like. My parents were tea drinkers so all I smelt were leaves." I chuckled. 

My little story made her chuckle and smile as well and she slowly stopped fidgeting. I don't think she realized that when she stopped fidgeting, she rested her hand on top of mine that was glued to her leg. She turned her head and looked out the window as we came up on her street. The hand that was on mine gently squeezed. She must have remembered something from her childhood. 

"I don't have a lot of things so we can be over with this quick." She said as we pulled up to her driveway.

"No, no. I want to visit with your father for a bit. I want updates on the new job I gave him." I unbuckled my seat belt and got out, making sure Adeline doesn't try to open the door again. 

I round the car as quick as I can and open the door, holding out my hand for her to grab to help stabilize herself as she gets out. She's wearing my sister's dress and it happens to fit quite nicely since they are around the same height. Meg would appreciate someone putting her things to use. 

We walk up to her front door and I rang the doorbell. We stood waiting for a few seconds when the door opens to her mother. 

"Come in, come in!" She smiled, welcoming us into the house. "My darling, Addy!" She cheered and gave Adeline a massive bone-crushing hug.

"Mom, I can't breathe..." Adeline rasped out before her mother let go.

"Mr. Santoro, how have you been doing?" She asked patting my arm.

"I've been great, your daughter is a handful!" I chuckled jokingly.

"Oh, that girl is quite the handful isn't she? Always sitting quietly causing a ruckus!" Her mother played along. 

"Anyways, Mom, where's Father?" Adeline asked like she already knew the answer.

"In his darn office as always, Sweetpea." Her mother responded.

Adeline thanked her mother and led me down the hallway that led to her father's office. We stopped at the door and she knocked, stepping aside allowing me to walk in. 

"Come in." Her father rasped.

I glanced at Adeline, watching as she left to go get her things. I shut the door completely before I went to go stand infront of Iiya's desk. 

"Mr. Santoro." He greeted.

"Good to see you too, Ilya. How's the new position working for you?" I asked daring him to say something out of line.

"It's better than the last. I'm grateful that I get to work in broad daylight, but the damn recruits are such a pain in my ass. You gave me the best but worst job in my life. I think I'll have to retire soon because of how many wrinkles these kids are giving me." He shook his head chuckling.

"I think that job is fitting since you're a retired assassin. I'm giving you the 'go ahead' to teach the ruffians your secrets. I know I can count on you this time." 

"Good to know...I heard my daughter is here? She's getting her things and leaving isn't she?" He sighed.

"She's here, I'll go get her." I exited Ilya's office and ran up the stairs of her house to see if she was up on the second floor.

Upon reaching the top I heard shuffling coming from a room to my left. I gently pushed the door open to find Adeline putting a few more things in a box. She had all her boxes nicely labeled with the contents inside them. Two boxes for clothes, a box for decor, etc.

"Your father wants to see you." I cleared my throat interrupting her.

She shot her head towards mine with wide eyes, jumping at my sudden appearance. 

"Oh, okay..." she breathed out placing her hand over top of her racing heart. 

She got up from the sitting position she was in on her floor and walked out, allowing me to follow her. Once we got to Ilya's office he beckoned us in. 

"Good. Adeline, I hope you can forgive me for what I have done. I know it's not right to send you off to marry a stranger." He immediately started apologizing.

"Apologizing for what you did doesn't change anything." She spoke calmly.

"I know and I just want you to know how sorry I am. I think you will live a long prosperous life in the care of Mr. Santoro. Living here and in danger brings a great risk to your life. Im doing this for you." 

"Is that all you wanted to say? I don't know what you want me to do with this information, but Im not mad, maybe a little upset, but I understand why you did it." Adeline waved her hands in the air as she spoke.

Ilya caught sight of the ring on her finger, the one she chose, and squinted to get a better glance from where he was sitting. 

"When did you get that? It's a nice touch."

"And there he goes trying to change the subject," Adeline rolled her eyes sighing. "I got it earlier today before we came here." She answered giving up on the past conversation.

"Hm. Anyways I just wanted to apologize. I feel at peace knowing you're being taken well care of and in a safe place." Ilya nodded towards me approvingly.

I gave him a nod back.

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