5~ Piano Man

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After that whole interaction with Hades, I sat down at the attached bar peacefully eating a bunch of fruits that I prepared for myself. Hades a couple seats down watching me eat. 

"You know we have a chef to cut all those up. She's only one call away." He pointed out while playing on his phone. 

"I never knew, but it tastes better when I do it myself. I would cut my finger for this fruit bowl if I had a choice of life or death." I said munching on a strawberry.

"You are such a crazy lady." Hades chuckled. "Well, I have a job to do, so I'll see you around." He waved off. 

Finally, I was left alone to enjoy this delicious bowl of fruits. I'm surprised these are still fresh. I wonder if the chef picks them daily or something. 

Once I finished my snack I wandered around looking for something to do. At the entrance of the home is a beautiful grand piano. I never had the chance to notice since I was being dragged. I haven't played since I was little, I might be rusty, but I'll still give it a try. 

I opened the piano and the stunning keys glistened in the light. I sat and gently placed my hands in the correct position on the keys. My fingers began to move playing "Moonlight Sonta" the very first song I learned in my piano lessons. As I played a became one with the music and let myself float in the musical freedom. I didn't notice the presence of Adrian watching me play until I heard him clear his throat. 

"How come you didn't tell me you played? It's very beautiful." He asked. 

"I used to play. I didn't have a piano growing up, but I took lessons with my neighbour when I was little. She was the sweetest old lady." I smiled at the thought of Hilda. 

"Well, there you go. Something for you to do so you don't bug me." He smiled. It was a genuine smile.

"I want to take lessons again. I miss the freedom I get when I play." I frowned. 

"I'll have your lessons arranged then. I can have someone come and teach you." He suggested.

"You would? But why?" I was beyond grateful, but it felt wrong. 

"Why not? Just be glad I'm giving you something to do." He said before he walked away. 

I remembered that I still had my phone on me. I'm surprised that it didn't get taken away. Maybe I could try to teach myself to play in the meantime. 

I whipped my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans. I opened YouTube and searched up one of my favourite songs. I scrolled a little to find the perfect piano tutorial for "La Foule" by Édith Piaf. I placed my phone on the music sheet stand so I can watch the video as I played. I slowed down the video to start off slow. The more I got the hang of it the more confident I felt in my skills. 

Feeling, confident, I turned off the video and tried to play the song without using the tutorial. I played to my hearts content. Just like every other musician, I made a few mistakes. The staff gathered around the entrance listening to me play. I felt happy for the first time in this hell hole. I felt like my only escape is to play. 

When I finished the song the staff clapped and cheered. I was at the beginner level, but they still clapped. 

"Miss, we never heard that piano play in ages! It's been so long since we've heard its beauty." The house maid cried with a smile. 

I scanned the crowd with a proud smile on my face looking at the same smile shining back at me from the staff. I noticed two men standing a little behind the small crowd. It was Hades and Adrian. Hades was clapping, giving me a nod of approval while Adrian stood there with glossy eyes. He looked like he wanted to seem emotionless, but I saw right through it and noticed how he's on the verge of tears. I made him almost cry. 

Hades noticed me staring at Adrian and turned to see what I was looking at. Hades said something to Adrian, but he ignored it and walked away. I was worried about him. Was he sad because of the song I played?

After a while the staff cleared and got back to work. Hades came over to me as I sat at the piano and continued to practice. 

"You know, he's happy that piano is being put to use again. He stopped playing to the point where it hurt him too much to even look at it." Hades commented.

"Why?" Maybe finding the answer will ease my worry. 

"You have to ask him that." Hades walked away. 

I sat at the piano unmoving, debating on whether I should ask him or leave it be. I sat up with courage because I knew that the only way to accept being here is to understand the man I'm marrying. 

I walked around the house after I checked the bedroom for Adrian in hopes he was somewhere around here. With my luck I stumbled upon him in a family room, sitting on the couch in silence. The couched was faced away from the entrance of the room so I had to walk behind it to get around it. 

"I knew I'd find you somewhere." I said calmly. 

His head turned to me watching as I sat on the other end of the couch. 

"Can I ask you a question?" It's now or never.

"Sure." He sighed. 

"Why is it that you were all teary watching me play? Hades told me that you used to play." 

He took a deep breath before he answered, "I used to play that piano with my little sister. She wasn't very good so I taught her and we'd always play duets." He smiled. "After she killed herself, I couldn't do it anymore. Even my parents couldn't stick around this house. It was too much to bear for them so they moved to Germany. They left the house in her name, after her death they wanted to sell the house." 

I sat listening silently, my heart breaking into pieces.

"I wouldn't let them. I tried everything. I tried to get them to put it under my name, but it was the last thing they would ever think about doing. I had to buy it off them just to keep her memory with me." 

"You agreed to let me take lessons because it reminds you of your sister?" He nodded his head 'yes'.

"I also did it because I know that feeling of freedom when playing. I want you to feel like you have that sort of freedom here. This place isn't a prison, though there are somethings I have to say no to." He wiped a stray tear from his cheek. 

I don't know what it feels like to lose a sibling, but I'm sure it cause damage beyond repair. 

I don't know what came over me, but I had the sudden urge to hug him. My body failed me and got closer to him as my arms wrapped around him. I carefully pulled him close unsure if it was okay to hug him. 

He hugged me extremely tight and I knew he needed it. So I hugged him tighter. He let all his bottled up emotions out, he really needed this hug. I rubbed my hand in circles on his back as he cried, his head wedged into neck. 

When he felt calm enough he pulled away and thanked me for the hug. I told him it was no problem and he got up and left. A minute after he left I heard "Piano Man" quietly playing in the distance. 

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