21~ The Message

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After stabbing the poor soul three times, he passed out. I rose from where I initially kneeled as I heard the snickers and giggles of men behind me. I turned around in a fit of rage staring them down. Adrian seemed impressed and amused by my tactics. I didn't want to kill him so I merely injured him. Killing him would scar me forever, so giving him minor injuries was the best I could do. 

"Was that enough information for you, boys?" I asked as I smeared the blood that was on my cheek. 

They nodded and quietly conversed with each other while Adrian came up and did the unexpected. He, pardon my French, fucking kissed me. He grabbed my face and pulled me in to a deep, sweet kiss. I didn't have enough time to react and before I knew it, he pulled away with blood from my face on his hands. 

"I shouldn't have doubted your abilities of being the bait." He smiled and ran his hands down my arms.

Chills ran up my spine and I swear he could feel the goosebumps he left behind. I was awestruck and everyone could see. He went back to the table, a smug smile on his face.

"What did you do to her?" Griswald questioned jokingly as he came up and waved his hand in my face.

"Hey! Bärchen?" Griswald shook me gently, breaking my trance. (Little Bear)

"Sorry, I uh...never mind." I spoke quickly making my way beside Adrian. 

"Okay, with the new information we still don't have their location pinged. Does anyone have any idea where they are at now? I want to be two steps ahead." Adrian asked and everyone shook their heads 'no'.

"Why don't you kill Mark, keep the other guy and send Mark's head back to them?" A guy with a French accent suggested. 

"Not bad Remi, I haven't thought about that..." Adrian praised the French dude. 

"Merci, merci." I don't understand a thing he said. (Thank you)

We discussed an alternate plan in case something went wrong with what we came up with, I was the bait, Mark was the threat message, and a whole bunch of people are going to die. Adrian's buddies decided to stick around and have a few drinks. They hung out in the basement while him and I paid Mark a visit in the holding cells. The warehouse was too large for me to remember my way around. Too many twists and turns. 

"Mark! Wake your ass up." Adrian barked. "I need to borrow your head. Are you ready to go home? Well, is part of you ready?" He asked, a sly grin on his face. 

Mark perked up at the mention of leaving this place. He was too weak to even process the conversation and he couldn't run either way. 

"Here, Lock this cell until I'm done, got it?" He ordered as he unlocked the cell. 

He handed me the keys and stepped in, he nodded towards me, signaling to lock the cell.

"Can you do one more favor for me, my love?" The pet name almost made me forget to answer him. "Can you get Hades to bring me an axe? He should be around the corner slacking off." 

I rounded the corner and found Hades sitting at a desk, his legs propped up on it as he twirled a pencil in between his fingers. On the wall behind him were a hell of a lot of axes. All sharp and shiny, no dullness whatsoever. 

"Go ahead and grab one, I'm on my break away from the little buggar." He sighed motioning with a jerk of his head towards the axes. 

I quickly pulled on of the wall and rounded the corner, unlocking the cell and handing the axe to Adrian. He took it with no comments or thanks. I locked the cell and stood watching him brutally murder Mark, enjoying it as I would enjoy a movie. He pulled Mark's weak body to the metal bed attached to the wall and laid his head upon it. He raised the axe slightly and dropped it down on to Mark's neck. I screamed in horror jumping and turning away from the sight. 

I heard a thud of Mark's body hitting the floor and the axe being laid on the metal bed. I took a deep breath calming my pounding heart. 

"Look at me. I need you to get me out of here." He said in a stern voice.

I turned around trying not to look at the severed head and body behind him. With a slow and shaky hand I went to unlock the cell. 

"That's it...don't look at him, look at me." He kept my focus on him. 

I hurriedly unlocked the cell and backed away giving him room to step out. Mark didn't even scream when the axe was coming down on his neck. What an awful thing to think about when you're dying. 

With his hand on the small of my back, Adrian lead me back down to the basement. When we were far enough I wanted to ask about the head. 

"You just left the head there?"

"Hades can deal with it, I think he already knows what I need him to do with it." 

Again we descended the stairs to the basement. The metal steps and our shoes collide, creating an eerie sound. We waited a minute or two to hear from Hades after the big surprise Adrian left. Hades was quite upset when he got down here. 

"What. In. The. Hell. Is. This!?" Hades enquired, holding the severed head up in the air for everyone to see. 

"Oh, that? It's our little message to this Astrid person. I need you to send it to wherever that captured guy says. I figured you knew what to do with it already." Adrian shrugged. 

I sat on the edge of the pool table analyzing everyone's faces. I need names for these faces if I want to make it in this life. 

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