6~ Little Piano Sister

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I sat alone in the family room listening to "Piano Man" being played beautifully. I was so focused on the mastery of the piano player that the song lulled me to sleep. I don't remember when the song ended, but I heard footsteps then strong arms hooked under my knees and around my waist. I was being carried somewhere but I didn't care, the embrace of this person was extremely warm. 

I cuddle in closer to the warmth keeping this person close. I then felt the soft cushion of a mattress and a blanket being gently placed on my body. I went out cold as soon as my head hit the pillow. 


I forgot how to not feel anything as I watched her play the piano my sister and I played. She was graceful for a beginner. I realized that I should teach her how to play instead of being a lazy bum. Maybe it would help keep Megan's memory more alive. I haven't played that piano in months since her passing. 

She was an innocent, sweet, and loveable thirteen year old girl. She loved everyone no matter how bad of a person they were. She saw the good in a person and tried to help them become better. She was the light to everyone's darkness. She was ethereal at such a young age. She had Mother's gorgeous blue eyes and face shape, Father's dark hair and impeccable nose. She was thin due to genetics. That girl could eat like a horse and not gain a ton of weight. 

Whenever I sat and played her favourite song on the piano she would always sit beside me and watch how I played it. She asked me one time if she could try to play and I was impressed by how much she picked up from watching me play. I offered to teach her how to play and she jumped with excitement. She was happy. I was happy. I thought that nothing could take her away. 

Watching Adeline play brought a new light into this house that hasn't seen it in ages. I wanted to give it a try again and see how much I could remember of Megan's favourite song. If she were here she'd listen to me play all day. 

As I played I could feel her presence beside me. I was still good at playing. 

When I finished playing I realized my phone fell out of my pocket in the family room. I went to grab it and saw Adeline sleeping on the couch. She was in a very uncomfortable position, her head was resting on the back rest and her body was all curled up. I knew she was going to have neck pain if she slept there, trust me, been there done that. I didn't want her complaining, so I scooped her lightweight body up and took her upstairs. 

I felt her move closer towards my body taking in my warmth. I never felt this kind of affection before, so it was kind of awkward.

When I got to the room I used the hidden facial recognition scanner on the door to unlock it. I used my foot to push the door handle down and open. The door gently hit the wall when I kicked it opened. Walking in I carefully put her down on the bed making sure she was comfortable. I didn't want her to be cold when she woke up, so I pulled the covers over her body. She looked so small in my king size bed. She was only 5'5, compared to my 6'2 body. 

I admit, when she stormed out of my office today, I found it adorable. She was so small, yet she was so angry. In a way she reminds me of my sister, the way she acts and how she has this attitude. 

I quietly left the room making sure the door doesn't slam on my way out. She'll need this nap to help refresh her mind. She was quite stressed when she showed up here. 

I never realized how much that girl could sleep. It was time for dinner and the table has been set. She hasn't woken up to the smell of the delicious food yet, but I'm sure she will at some point. I sat down at the head of the table while the others sat in their respective seats. The staff have their own dining area on the other side of the kitchen so they can enjoy a lovely meal as well. I want to give them the best because they have been here since I was a kid and I want them to feel like this is their home as much as mine. 

As everyone finished eating, Adeline hasn't came down to eat yet. She must be really tired, I don't blame her. It was my doing. The staff finished their dinner before us so they could help the chef clean up. I gathered that Adeline would be hungry, so I grabbed her a plate and dished it up with a little bit of everything on the table. I also grabbed a spare set of cutlery so she can eat. 

Carefully, I made it up the stairs and opened the bedroom door. I walked over to the bed and set the food down on the bedside table. Adeline stirred in her sleep because of the smell of food. Then her eyes started to flutter open. She sat up, rubbed her eyes and checked her surroundings. 

"What time is it?" She asked groggily.

"You just missed dinner, so I brought you something to eat. What do you prefer to drink?" I asked when I realized that I forgot her drink. 

"A water is fine thank you." I gave her a nod and walked out to grab her a drink. 

"Thanks." She said as I handed her a glass of water. 

She must have been starving because she ate half of what's on the plate already. 

"This is delicious! Please thank your chef for me! I haven't had such a good meal before!" She expressed.

"Will do." I just walked out feeling like it would be weird to stand there and watch her eat. 


The food he brought was beyond amazing. There was sweet corn, steamed carrots, mashed potatoes, chicken cordon blue, and a little container of gravy. I think the sweet corn was my favourite so far. 

After I ate I got up and brought the plate, glass, and cutlery down to the kitchen. I ate and left no crumbs behind. In the kitchen there was a dishwasher cleaning up a couple plates that didn't fit in the dishwasher next to the sink. 

"Here, Dear. Come put your plate in the sink." The old man beckoned.

"You did all this work?" I asked as I put my dishes in the sink. 

"No, I had help. This is the second load of dishes in that thing." He chuckled pointing to the dishwasher.

"Well, that's good. Do you know where Adrian is?" 

"I'm sure he's in his office. Go down the hall when you leave the kitchen, take the first left and his office is the second room on the right." The old man smiled. 

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