36~ Applied to the Job

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The search for a job has begun and online sources seem to be my only hope. Though I doubt I could find a job similar to what I had before. 

"Could I borrow your computer to job search?" I asked Adrian hoping he would let me. 

"Sure, maybe I could help you find something." He offered. 

"Thanks, but I think this is something I'm going to do on my own. If I need help I will let you know." I smiled. 

"Alright. Come, I'll open my computer for you." He got up from the stool and outstretched his hand for me to take. 

I got hold of it and he pulled me away towards his office. I remember when he brought me in here that one time and I accidentally grazed his pants with my foot. The memory of it causes a heat to rise to my cheeks. 

"Here you are, M'lady." He gives me a lopsided smile moving away from his now unlocked computer. 

"Why thank you, kind sir." I play along with his goofiness. 

I make my way over to sit at his desk and I begin to type up " engineering jobs near me" on his search engine. 

A few results pop up and I click on the first result. I check over the website making sure it's professional and what I'm looking for. When I have what I need, I type out a quick résumé and apply for the job offered on the website. The job itself isn't that bad; a mechanical engineer contractor is not my best fit but if that's what it comes to then I have to put up with it. The next job option is an aerospace engineering professor. I this is one of my top options as of now. I have the qualifications and I have a good background in aerospace engineering. I take my chance and apply for this job and three others as well. 

I never noticed that Adrian left the room until he walked in holding a tray of snacks. 

"Did you find a few job options?" He asked setting the try down on his desk as far as possible from his computer. 

I get up from his desk and grab whatever snacks were on the tray. "Yeah some not so good but I did find a job I think would suit me." 

"All that's left is to play the waiting game and see if they want you. If they don't want you I sure as hell do." 

"Thanks for the snacks, babe!" I smiled politely. 

"Niente per mia moglie." Adrian comes close, tilting my face up to his as he drowns me in a gentle kiss. (Anything for my wife.) 

"You'll have to teach me some Italian because I want to know what you mumble in your sleep." I say lowly. 

"Wait...I mumble in my sleep?" He questioned looking extremely confused.

"Yeah I don't under a word sometimes so it sounds like nonsense until you start mumbling something in English." I laugh.

"I think it's time I start recording myself when I sleep. I'm curious to know what I talk about."

I just chuckle and pat his shoulder leaving his office to go to the library. I haven't read much recently and I need something new to read. The hinges on the large door creaks as I push it open to reveal the dimly lit library. The authentic smell of pages and pine waft to my nose. The curtains of the windows still draped the same since I was last in here. I go over to one of the windows and try to push the heavy curtains open to let more natural light in. Once I was able to see a bit clearer I grabbed a random book of the shelves. I don't care for its title nor the author as I begin to read. This book is more worn than others and the pages browned with age. Water stains can be found throughout the book in several areas. 

As I read I slowly realized that this book is angsty and melancholic as its words register in my brain. Tears begin to fill my eyes as I read unable to put the book down. I don't know how long I've spent in this library crying on the couch as I read until Adrien comes in. 

"Sweetheart? It's been a while since you've been out of here." Adrian says as he walks over to me. He is unable to see my face from the direction I am sitting which I am thankful for. 

I continued to read hoping he won't notice my tears; I don't want him to see me in such a state. 

"Baby, why are you crying? Who hurt you?" He asked as soon as he caught sight of the streams of free flowing tears. 

"No one." I reply as I wipe away my tears. "This book hurt my feelings." I laugh sorrowful. 

"Let me see." He gently takes the book from my hands, closely inspecting the cover. "Did you ever notice that you were reading 'A Fault In Our Stars' by John Green?" He hands me back the book with a raised brow. 

I look at the cover then laugh at myself for not caring to look. It's a good book and I definitely needed that crying session. I get up and try to walk away to put the book back, but Adrian stops me, pulling me into his warm and tough embrace. He rubbed my back soothingly and I felt at ease with his comfort. I never wanted his comfort so bad before and now I never want to leave. 

"Can I go put this back now?" I ask with a sheepish smile. 

"Get your cute ass going!" He released me only to slap my ass as I walked away earning a yelp out of me. 

I turn and glare at him as he returned the stare with a sly grin. He knows what he's doing and he thinks he can get it so easily from me. He'll have to try a little harder than that. 

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