24~ Breakfast Giggles

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I woke up at 5 A.M. this morning from the craziest dream I've had in a long time. I'll spare the details because thinking about it will make me miss an unrealistic life. I want to stay in touch with reality while times are crucial. 

I looked to my right to see Adeline softly snoring in my arms, a peaceful look spread across her face. She slept like she had no care in the world and I hold just stare at her beautiful face all day. I tried to, but I fell asleep again as I lost myself in thought of what we could be. I know it'll never happen because I'm just a stranger to her. Will she ever consider me as something more than just a stranger?

I fell into a very light slumber, alert in case anything were to happen. The door to the oom quietly creaked open and giggles erupted from someone walking in. I slowly grab the gun strapped to my leg under the covers. It was most likely Hades, then I hear a camera click. Yeah, that's definitely Hades. I'll get him one day for doing that. 

I feel Adeline stir awake in my arms, only slight movements as I held her tight. As she faced me her left arm draped over my shoulder and around my neck. During the night I would awake every now and then to her playing with my hair as she slept. Being this close to her always felt right, but in my head I had doubts. I want her to get close to me, I want her to open her heart to me. I've never known what love was after my sister died. Now that she's here, I think I'm falling harder for her ear and every passing second. I could feel her stares as she watched me sleep.

"Sweetheart, if you're going to keep staring at me like that you can always take my picture." I groggily spoke, opening my eyes.

She blushed madly as I caught her staring. She was just adorable when she got flustered and my expression softened. She apologized, but I didn't care. She can stare at me all she wants because  she has me now. That reminds me, we need to plan the wedding. 

I we got out of bed and walked down the halls to the holding cells. We find a smug looking Hades, leaning back in his chair as he clutched his phone in his hand. I'll talk to him later about that picture. He told me that my 'scary buddies' were already down in the basement and that they made themselves breakfast. Honestly doesn't surprise me with the amounts of visits they've had here. 

We begin the lovely trek down the stairwell to the basement when I stop. I just forgot about breakfast and Hades mentioned breakfast. I make Adeline follow me back up the stairs to my large commercial kitchen. I hold businesses events here sometimes, so I need a big kitchen or the chef's to do their work. 

I ask Adeline what she wants to eat as I pull on an apron. I'm not sacrificing the only clothes we have here. If I knew that we would be staying here I would've packed extra clothes. Anyways, she told me to make my favourite dish. I whip out two pans and begin making a Denver Skillet. I go to the large fridge and take out the defrosted breakfast sausage Checco had this morning. He's the only one that eats this sausage, that's how I know it was him. I also take out eggs and the pre-prepared instant shredded hash browns. I give it a little shake before I put the sausages in one pan and the hash browns in the other. 

Once the hash browns are cooked to a nice golden brown, in a nice shallow ceramic bowl. When the sausage is done, I start cooking the bacon in the pan and the omelette in the other. After everything is cooked, I dish it up nicely with the meats on a separate plate. I turn off the stove and hand Adeline her food. She involuntarily moans to the delicious smell. Good Lord, the things that did to me. She walks over to the square floating island in the centre of the kitchen and sits down on the stool so she can eat.

"How is it?" I asked with a smile as she took her fist bite. 

"Amazing!" She moaned again. 

I turn around and cook my breakfast to avoid watching her reaction as she ate. She knows what she's doing to me with those little moans. On a counter beside the fridge is a cereal dispenser. I grab a bowl from the cabinet above it and fill it with Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. I place the bowl on the island right beside Adeline and I grab the milk from the fridge to fill my bowl again. I sit down a realize that I didn't grab a spoon, making Adeline chuckle. 

"Better wipe that smile off your face before I fuck it off." I gave her a cold stare. 

That did the trick, but to be real, I did want to fuck it off. I was dead serious and her face dropped when she saw how serious I was. We ate in silence, no one daring to say a word. It was just the two of us and I was tempted to mess with her. Slowly I bring my arm up to tickle the nape of her neck. When I did she flinched away and glared at me. 

"Tickle me one more time, and I will kick you where the sun don't shine." She fake threatened. 

I tickled her side this time earning a laugh out of her. I stopped and she got up attempting to slowly back away. I instinctively stood and chased her down to the floor tickling her sides as she laughed and tried to push me away. The whole kitchen echoed with our laughs as we didn't realize the whole crew was standing in the entry way. 

Someone cleared their throat making us freeze as we looked to see Hades and the others watching us. They looked to be holding in laughs. I took in the position we were in, Adeline laid on the floor with her gorgeous hair fanned out. And I was hovering over top of her, holding her down by the waist. I pushed myself off her, giving her a hand up and she took it. 

"What are you two doing? And why are you wearing an apron?" Hades asked with a raised brow. 

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