22~ Send the Head!

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Hades (His only Pov unless...)

After Adrian and Adeline went back down to the basement, I wanted to take a peak at the damage done to Mark. When Adeline screamed bloody murder I knew I had to see it. I got up from my chair and rounded the corner. 

In the cell was a bloodied axe and a headless body laying on the floor. I was grossed out by Mark's head staring at me. He seriously left me to clean up his mess? What a jerk, that guy better have a good explanation when I get down there to whack his ass. I snatch the head of the metal bed and storm out of there heading down to the basement. Blood drip a trail all the way down there. Did I care? No. 

"What. In. The. Hell. Is. This!?" I asked venom dripping from my luscious lips. 

I held up the head waving it around to show everyone what surprise he left me. Honestly his explanation was fair but I really had no clue what to do with the head. Adrian wanted me to send it back to wherever it came from as a message. He even assumed I knew. Who the hell does he think he is, assuming what I know and don't know? Honestly, I want to rip his hair out until he's bald. 

Ugh, I'll do it anyway to save Adeline. She's cool, not him. I despise him right now. I storm back up to the cells to pack up the head. I made sure the package was leak free so it wouldn't drip a blood trail again. I then went to the other guy who is very much alive, just slightly mangled. And I asked him where he came from, well, I threatened him. I got to admit, he's a cutie patootie, but he's a rival. Can't fuck him, so I might as well torture him. 

When I got the information I needed, I sent off our go-getter with the head to this random Central American town. It should take him a day or two depending on how fast his shit box car goes on the back roads. Either way he'll die when he makes it or dies on his way there. There's no absolute guarantee that he'll survive. 

After making it clear to the go-getter I made my way back down to the basement again to update Adrian. I loved how eerie my steps sounded as they echoed in the stairwell. It reminds me of how much I love my job but also hate it because I'm not a normal human being anymore. 

"It's on its way there now. Should arrive on their doorstep in a few days or so." I informed Adrian. 

"Good, I can always count on my best man!" He cheered as he swung his arm around my shoulders, applauding my work. 

"Is he drunk? Is he okay? Do I need to call the doctor?" I asked Adeline, worried of his strange behaviour. 

"Ehhh...I think he's okay..." she drawled out not knowing how to answer. 

"I can assure you that I am completely fine, just stressed out that's all!" He smiled at me. 

I've noticed how close he's been trying to get to Adeline over the past week or so. The way he looks at her, acts around her makes me believe he fell first. When he got her the ring I was surprised by the lengths he went just to get her a damn ring. My guy is whipped to the bone and he doesn't even know it yet. 

Time seemed to slip away from my mind as I felt tired all of a sudden. I checked the gold Rolex watch my late father gave me. 2:00 A.M. it read. My eyes bulged out of my head when I came to realize that I hadn't gotten my needed amount of sleep yet. None of these people have, they've been up for hours, busy with the crisis at hand to even think of sleep. Poor Adeline was slowly nodding off as she sat on the edge of the pool table. Her legs swung slowly back and forth as they dangled off the edge. Adrian noticed my worried look as I watched Adeline almost drop to the floor half asleep. He let go of me and walked to go help her. 

"Hey, come on. I'll find you a comfortable bed in this place." He whispered as he helped her stand straight. 

She rubbed her eyes as they walked up the stairs. I waved them 'Good night' hoping to see them tomorrow. Now, I need to figure out what to do with the rest of them. I might as well give them each their own rooms with their bodyguards.

"Alright fellas, time for sleep. Can't have you falling asleep at the wheel tonight. Does everyone remember where their rooms are?" I assumed that Adrian gave them each a room since they come around here often. 

They nodded and slowly made their way towards the dedicated sleeping quarters. I still can't get over the fact that Adrian insisted putting in sleeping quarters for themselves on watch duty. He's a smart man. It's just when it comes to loving someone, he kind of ignores his feelings, he invalidates them. It's the sad truth about this man. After his parents left and his sister died he just stopped thinking about loving. He felt incapable of loving and being loved because the people he cared about left. 

"Alright does anyone want to fill me in on what ever the fuck the plan is?" I asked the chilling dudes. 

Any friend of Adrian should be a friend of mine, but these guys scare the life out of me sometimes. Like just take a look at Checco, he's a Mexican bull with a goatee and nasty sneer. I wouldn't want to pick a fight with any of them because the moment you show up, you're dead. Luckily they were kind to me and filled me in. I'm not liking this plan at all.

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