2~ Sign It, Adeline

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I was drowning. The water was filling my lungs quickly as my body ascended the depths. The darkness closing in on me as bubbles cascaded towards the surface. I struggled to swim towards the only source of air. I struggled to keep my eyes open. 

My alarm blared in my ear and I jolted up from my dream covered in a cold sweat. I got up and showered off the little sanity I had left. I got dressed in an elegant dress as today was the day I meet the man I'm supposedly marrying and signing the official papers. 

It took every ounce of courage to walk down those stairs to my father's office. I dread to see the face of the man I'm being given to. As I touched the door handle I got this awful wave of nausea like I was out drinking on a Friday night. I took a deep breath and calmed myself before entering the room. I had no clue what this man was going to look like and I feared that he was some old, shrivelled up guy. I never expected a damn heatwave of beauty to hit me. 

This man was gorgeous, dark brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin, tall, looks jacked but can't really tell from the impressive suit he wore. The suit complimented his defined features like that razor sharp jawline, sculpted by the hands of gods. And that clean shaven face rid of acne, the clearest skin I have ever seen. 

My eyes racked him up and down, studying his figure. His hands, rings adorning each one. This man is the spitting image of carnal lust and danger. But my mind wandered to a place where it shouldn't be. 

"Adeline, meet Adrian Santoro. Mr. Santoro, meet my prized possession." My father introduced us. 

Mr. Santoro reached towards me to shake my hand. I politely accepted the handshake to not ruin the respect he has towards me. 

"I have somewhere to be soon. If you don't mind, Miss. Pollinski, to sign the documents then I will be out of your hair." He smiled politely towards me as he gestured towards the pen and papers sat on my father's desk.

"Of course." I said as I picked up the pen with a shaky hand. 

I was really going to do it. I was going to sign myself off to this gorgeous stranger. With the pen in hand I place my free hand on the paper to brace myself and to keep the paper steady. The nausea was creeping its way back to me. Things started to spin, without further hesitation I signed the papers. Things will change for better or for worse and that unknown feeling scares me. 

The realization of what I did hits me. Colour drains from may face and I get all clammy and dizzy. 

"Thank you, Adeline and Mr. Santoro." My father expressed. 

"Miss. Pollinski, are you feeling alright?" Mr. Santoro questioned, but his words were like a mumble to me. 

"May I be excused now, father?" I asked rushed. 

I needed to leave this room. I need air. 

"Of course. Have a wonderful day Mr. Santoro. I may see you again when you come to collect my daughter in a few days." My father bid goodbye as I fled to my room. 

When the dizziness and nausea subsided, I began having a meltdown. I heard my father clearly say that I was being collected in a few days. I have to leave my home in a few days. I have to leave behind my family and friends. I have to go live with a stranger that I will be married to. 

I only have a few days left here and I should be as positive as I can be about it. I shouldn't be crying right now, I'll save it for when I leave. I should spend this time saying my goodbyes to my friends. It will tear me apart to leave them behind. They are my support system and I wouldn't be here without them. I will cherish all the amazing memories we made, the stupid jokes we told, and the unconditional love. I will miss all four of them, especially Harmony. She gives the best hugs and always willing to take care of us. 

"Adeline, hunny? Can I come in?" My mom knocked gently on my door. 

"I guess." I responded sadly.

"Your father told me you leave in two days. I think you should pack up a few of your things for now."

"Two days?" I questioned shocked.

"Yes my sweet child." My mom sounded so upset.

"That won't give me enough time to spend with you and my friends." I frowned.

"I'm sorry. If I had a say in this matter I would have never let you go. Your father has a plan to get you out of this mess, I'm sure of it." Mom reassured as she hugged me tight.

I never realized I was crying until I felt that sting in my eyes. My soft sniffles only made the hug tighter. 

"I don't want to go Mom!" I sobbed.

"I know, I know." She rubbed my back. "I should leave you to pack now. Dinner should be ready soon as well, so come down when you're ready." 

I just nodded as we pulled away. Nothing ever lasts forever does it? One day you are happily living your normal life, the next it's ripped away from you. But I have to stay strong, I have to choke down those tears. For now, I reminisce the good days while I pack. 

Packing was a lot harder than I expected. So many memories flashed through my mind and I couldn't keep it together. I barley filled a box with my belongings and I spent a whole hour trying to keep it in.

"Adeline?" It was my father beckoning me at my door.

"What is it." I spoke harshly.

"I came to tell you that dinner is dished up. I also wanted to check on you because I feel bad for what I did." His words were so apologetic, but it wasn't worth it.

"Don't apologize now. Whatever you say will make it worse." I said as I walked out gently shoving past my father. 

I'm not surprised he didn't speak back about my behaviour. He just silently followed behind me as I travelled to the dinner table. When I sat, he sat. Not a word was exchanged between the whole table. Even my mom itched to say something, but she held back. We ate in the dead silence, the kind of silence that buries you alive. 

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