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Over the next few weeks, Simon seemed to have turned a corner in his recovery. He had regained much of his lost weight and was keen to get back into shape, despite the hindrance of the metal contraption on his leg. 

His shoulder and arm had improved enough, that he was doing pull ups and using logs in weight training, doing sit ups and supported push ups, working on building up his muscles.

Leg work was an issue with the frame and continued pain, which he tried to get around by being creative in his exercise, focussing on those that didn't require squats or too much weight bearing. Cassie giggled watching him as he showed off his balancing exercises, using his crutches to do full leg lifts.

His mental state had improved considerably, now that he was actively working on building his strength and stamina. Despite Cassie's worry and cautionary words, he was soon carrying and chopping logs and doing maintenance tasks around the cabin again, where the wheelchair allowed.

Simon kept in touch with Price as promised and the older man expressed approval at how well Simon seemed to be doing and how he was starting to be more like his old self. The two month period came round quite quickly and the pair soon found themselves driving back to the hospital in South Carolina. 

Price arranged to meet them at the hospital and was waiting for them in the carpark. Ghost confident with his crutches, greeted Price warmly, as his captain patted him on the back. Worm gave him a full hug commenting on how much his facial hair had grown and was in much need of a trim.

Ghost underwent x rays and scans to assess his leg injury, before he was taken to have the frame removed. He refused the general anaesthetic and underwent the procedure with a local instead. It was a long process, removing the screws, pins and frame from his leg, but he remained patient throughout, relieved to finally be shot of the contraption.

Once complete, Ghost had an assessment with the physiotherapist and occupational therapist to ensure that his ongoing care would provide the best support for him building up his leg muscles and mobility. Worm and Price caught up over a cuppa while they waited for the assessment to finish.

Finally complete, the three sat in the doctor's office to go over the initial findings. The doctor was thrilled with the progress Ghost had made since he had first arrived at the hospital, but expressed concerns about his leg. 

Although the three fractures had healed well, the initial assessment concluded that there had been nerve damage due to the fractures being left untreated during Ghost's captivity.

Armed with a sheet of physiotherapy exercises and a follow up appointment in another month, Price, Ghost and Worm headed back to base to relax and eat. Price invited them to stay overnight so they could rest before driving back the next day, so after dinner, Worm checked out their room while Ghost caught up properly with Price.

There wasn't any one else in the base, so Worm was sad that she didn't get the chance to see Gaz and Soap again. She relaxed in the mess room watching TV till the two men had finished their long meeting.

When they returned, Price was looking quite stern and serious, prompting Worm to ask if everything was okay.

'Yeah, had a proper full debrief and caught up on what everyone was doing' Ghost answered, indicating that they were indeed fine.

Lying snuggled in the small bed together, Cassie was still worried 'You sure everything was okay with you and Price, he looked a bit rough after the meeting?' Cassie asked curiously.

'He's fine, just had a lot of stuff to talk about and the follow up from the Urzikstan mission. Was a lot to take on, so he was tired after, that's all. He's an old man, remember?' he replied with a chuckle.

Early next morning they said their goodbyes and headed back home.


Simon was extremely diligent in his physiotherapy, keen to get straight to work on strengthening and building up the muscle on his legs. He followed the instructions to the letter and when he found them too easy, he added to them, determined to regain full function.

The pain in Simon's leg persisted despite his training regime, resulting in him resorting to ocassionally using her father's old walking cane. Cassie would caution him about overdoing it, worrying that he was going to cause himself more injuries. 

The only remedy Cassie found that would work was the offer of a massage, so she made sure to offer it as often as possible. She joked with him that for someone who used to be so avoidant of physical contact, he would love massage so much. 

Simon would scoff at her comments, reminding her that the massage was good for his damaged muscles and nerves. Adding cheekily that it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he would get quite turned on by the massage, leading to some vigorous bedroom exercise.

Simon started driving again and intended to pick up his own truck from the base when he returned for his follow up appointment. Keen to start a new project, Simon bought an old motorbike in the local town, and began repairing and building it up to get it fully functional again.

Cassie was thrilled with his new found energy and enthusiasm for getting stuck into projects. He was happier and more content now he was fully mobile. Her only concern was the continued nerve pain and how he would manage when he returned to active duty. But she wasn't yet ready for any talk of returning to duty. 

Soon, it was time to travel for his follow up appointment. Simon decided to drive the motorcycle to South Carolina, intending to load it onto his truck for the drive back. Cassie was remaining at home as she had a couple of contracts to complete and Simon hadn't wanted her to disrupt her work. 

So with a lot of fussing from Cassie, Simon checked and double checked the bike to satisfy her that it was safe and fully functional, before setting off.

Much to Cassie's relief, 48 hours later, Simon was back safely with his truck and his motorcycle securely strapped on the back. In reporting back about his appointment, he'd said that the doctor was happy with the physiotherapy and there was no need for any additional appointments.

Simon had also spent time at the base with Price, Gaz and Soap, catching up with their activities and reassuring them that he was doing well. They had been happy to see him looking so well and were looking forward to him returning to duty with the Task Force.

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