Successful Mission?

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Next day Worm heard from Price that Laswell had sent a European team to re-con the locations in Poland, coming back with positive intel and the planning started. Price asked Worm to carry on searching intel for any further information, on top of her usual work. 

Ghost and the two sergeants interrupted their holiday preparation to focus on upping their training regime and weapon preparation. Later in the day, two more members of 141 arrived at the compound to join their teammates. There was an air of anticipation in the compound waiting for the go word with lots of chatter and activity as the team trained together, prepared at any moment, to be sent off. 

At dinner that night, Price excused himself when his phone rang. Coming back 10 minutes later, 'Bingo, we are a go'. With so much additional activity, Worm was glad to have the quiet refuge of her IT room, to retreat to. Worm kept to herself, not wanting to get in the way of the team's preparations and after finishing her planned tasks, she headed upstairs for an early night.

She didn't see much of anyone the next morning as the team were doing joint training before their final briefing with Laswell. Worm wasn't required to attend so she was happy to stay in her IT room, listening to music, coding documents. With the compound feeling more cramped and noisy, Worm had no wish to mix in the communal areas. 

Not paying attention to the time, she hadn't noticed she'd missed lunch, so was surprised when Ghost popped by, bringing some lunch for her and himself. 'You been hiding little Worm?' he teased. 

'Oh hell yes' she replied with a smirk 'There's way too much testosterone flying around'

Ghost chuckled. Handing her food, he sat down beside her with his own plate. 

'You joining me, Ghost?' she asked surprised. Ghost scoffed before starting to eat. Worm was careful to respect his privacy while his balaclava was up and concentrated on her food instead.

They ate in silence before Ghost commented 'We're wheels up at 1500, we should be back in a couple of days'

Worm nodded and joked 'I'll try to behave', but in her mind she was thinking that two days were going to feel like a week. Ghost excused himself for a meeting with Price. 'Stay sharp and stay safe, Ghost' Ghost hummed in response before leaving her alone. 

Before long, the team were suited up, armed to the teeth and ready to set off for their transport. With Price joining the mission, he'd asked a sergeant from another unit to remain at the compound for any emergency, since they'd anticipated a short mission, so after wishing the team a safe and successful mission, she retreated to her IT space and continued working. She had no way of knowing how things were going or if everyone was safe, so to counter her worry, she buried her head in her work.


With no word after two days, Worm was becoming anxious for any news. The sergeant kept to himself, watching sports and movies in the lounge, so she didn't really engage with him. Later in the morning, she had grabbed a fresh coffee before heading back to work and had passed the lounge when he called to her. 'Price sent word that the mission was a success with no major injuries, they'll be back this evening' he informed her.

'That's good news, thanks for letting me know' she replied. Worm returned to work feeling relieved and so much lighter in her step. Knowing they'd be tired and hungry, when Worm finished her work, she set about making dinner for everyone. Enjoying her preparation and cooking, Worm was looking forward to seeing the team again, and quietly admitted to herself, that she was looking forward to seeing Ghost.

A little after 1800, the compound erupted with noise signalling, the team had arrived back. They got rid of their gear and weapons before piling into the mess hall, following the smell of cooking. They were in good spirits, looking forward to having a few drinks to celebrate a successful mission. Price smiled at Worm when he arrived, 'you're an absolute star, Worm, thanks for cooking'. 

Price gave Worm a short run down on the mission, they'd managed to raid the warehouse and capture Petrov., with the team only suffering minor injuries. He added smiling, 'you did a great job, Worm, the information you managed to dig up was a massive part in making this a success, we're lucky to have you on the team'. 

Worm felt a little embarrassed by the praise but hearing it made her feel satisfied that she'd been able to play a part. Pondering his words, she realised that she hadn't seen Ghost arrive with them, so with a pang in her chest, she asked Price 'Didn't Ghost come back with you? 

'No' Price responded, 'He's still in Poland on a solo mission trying up a loose end, he should be back before we all head off for the holidays, so don't worry yourself'. Worm smiled a little, not really feeling as relieved as she'd hoped. 

She decided not to join the others having a drink in the mess hall. She didn't really drink much and really couldn't stomach the thought of spending an evening with a group of drunk rowdy soldiers. She headed off to her room, hoping that wherever Ghost was, he was safe.

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