Time's Almost Gone

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The next few weeks seemed to go too fast for Cassie's liking. Simon had been able to get some messages while on his morning runs, from Price about the new base being agreed and a date to start setting up. That meant they had an end date. 

Laswell had contacted her with an update and asked Worm to be on standby, assuring her that when the time came to reinstate the database, the task would only mean a couple of weeks away from home. Simon increased his training schedule in the last few weeks, but they made the most of their time together, going on hikes and a picnic, before he prepared for departure.

Sitting at one of their favourite lookout spots, they sat quietly appreciating the view and the warm Summer sunshine. Simon pulled Cassie close so she was sitting between his legs. Her back against his chest, his arms around her waist with his chin resting on her shoulder. Simon sighed deeply 'Gonna miss this' he said quietly, squeezing her tight.

'Well you'll just have to make sure you come back then' Cassie said brightly.

Simon smiled at her words 'Oh, I intend to, love. Not gonna be too far away' he responded before, saying more seriously, 'you know the risk of the job, even with training and planning, situations can become unpredictable'.

'Yes, I know' Cassie whispered, knowing full well how dangerous Simon's missions could be.

Simon considered his words and spoke carefully, 'I used to only care that the mission was a success, didn't really worry if I was okay. Was always a bonus to come back and be ready to fight another day.....but now.....I've got a bloody good reason to make sure I get back in one piece'. He said kissing her neck.

Cassie smiled 'You better make sure you get back in one piece, or I'll come and hunt you down' she said teasing.

'Bloody hell, love, that'd be a scary sight, put the fear of god into the enemy, that would' he said chuckling.

Cassie sighed 'I know it's dangerous, but you're one of the best at what you do, I can only ask that you keep focused and sharp and not take any unnecessary risks......purely for selfish reasons, of course' she said grinning and turning to him.

Simon kissed her slowly, looking into her eyes 'yes ma'am' he said laughing


The next day while eating breakfast, Cassie suddenly piped up 'I haven't taken you fishing yet. I'd promised to take you fishing'.

Simon although surprised by the sudden outburst chuckled 'You did promise didn't you. Haven't gone fishing for years. When we going?' he asked giving her his full attention.

'Why don't we go today, there's not really anything urgent I need to do. There's a great spot on the creek for fishing and swimming' Cassie said excitedly.

After breakfast, Cassie showed Simon where the fishing gear was in the garage, while she put together some snacks, a blanket and towels. 

Hand in hand they meandered down the wooded path towards the creek, finding the spot Cassie had mentioned. Spreading a blanket on the ground, Cassie insited on going for a dip in the deeper pool, before they started fishing.

Simon watched as she undressed to her underwear, shyly covering herself and blushing when she saw him watching her every move. Simon chuckled 'Why so shy love, don't be hiding youself from me. I've seen everything and I love what I see' he said seriously.  

Cassie huffed still feeling a little embarrased. 'Still feels strange, is all' she reasoned. Cassie stepped down the bank and slowly got into the water, squealing as the cold water chilled her skin, bringing out goosebumps.

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