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Worm waited in the hall for Ghost to emerge, eager to just be on her way home. Her heart was still racing from her debrief and from her strong words with laswell. Worm was serious about her decision to separate ties with Laswell. 

Since knowing Kate, she had always made herself clear that she would not put herself in any situation where there would be a risk to her safety. Kate had betrayed her trust by giving her, her word that this was a secure location. Worm couldn't forgive that. 

Even with previously going to New Mexico to work with the 141, Worm had hesitated at the thought of being on a military base. However her knowledge of the task force and how they operated, had given her enough confidence that she would be fine with them. 

Worm shivered as she thought what would have happened if Ghost had not come to find her. Worm knew she was more than capable of defending herself from attack from an assailant, but numerous assailants, with weapons? She knew, with certainty, that she would have died. 

Ghost started to walk out the door, when Laswell called him back.

Worm couldn't hear the full conversation between them, but heard Ghost say 'Affirmative, what time is wheels up?'

Laswell responded 'One hour'. Ghost nodded.

Worm felt her stomach drop with the realisation that he was being sent on another mission. He wasn't going to be making sure she got home safely. The feeling of safety and security that she had built up being back with Ghost, after the attack, suddenly crumbled around her.

She felt the fear and panic rising again in her, causing her to shake and tears start as she realised she was on her own, Ghost wasn't going to be there for her.

Feeling her heart beating faster, her breathing becoming laboured and the nausea of panic rising, Worm quickly turned around and headed out towards the carpark. Scrabbling for her keys and opening her truck door, Worm quickly got in, trying to hold onto what little feeling of security and familiarity it brought her. 

Taking several deep breaths, trying to steady her racing thoughts, she scolded herself 'Come on, get your head together, what did you expect, Ghost to babysit you? He's a highly trained lieutenant, his mission is complete and he's got more important things to do than watch over your ass. Fuck sake grow up Worm, you're on your own, deal with it'.

Worm felt like screaming. She rubbed her face to try and get herself to focus on the drive home, taking some deep breaths before starting the engine. Worm tried to still her breathing, repeating the mantra, 'You're going home, you'll be home soon', as a way to try to calm herself, when she was startled by a knock at the window.

Ghost was pissed, Laswell had pulled him for another mission leaving in an hour, obviously deciding that his mission with Worm was now over as she was back safe. It didn't sit well with him. Laswell was technically his superior officer while he was here, so he couldn't refuse a direct order. However, he felt the pang of guilt that he couldn't fulfil his promise to Worm, to get her home safe. 

He knew he couldn't risk Laswell becoming aware of his relationship with Worm and he couldn't raise suspicion by refusing the order because he was taking her home. He'd never felt so conflicted.

Needing to speak to her and explain before he had to prepare for wheels up, Ghost walked out into the corridor, expecting her to be there, only to find it she'd gone. Fuck, he thought to himself, feeling his worry rising. Had she heard about the new mission, was she pissed at him? He needed to find her before she left.

Ghost headed out into the large carpark, wondering how he would be able to find her, he had no idea where she was parked. The sound of a truck starting caught his attention, so he headed to where it was, hoping it was her. 

As he approached, he saw she was rubbing her face, she appeared to be preparing herself to leave. She looked stressed and upset, so he ran over and knocked on the window, starling her. Worm looked up at him. Ghost could see she'd been crying, making his heart break with regret.

Worm rolled down the window and looked at him with a solemn expression.

'Why'd you run off? Bloody hell, thought you'd left before I got a chance to speak to you.' Ghost said sounding worried.

'I just wanted to get out of there and get away as soon as possible, besides you've got a mission to get ready for' she said sadly.

'I know, I'm sorry' he said sounding regretful.

'Why are you sorry, an order's an order?' she asked.

'I made you a promise that I can't fulfil, love' he responded looking intently at her face.

'I know..... it's okay though. You've got other missions you have to do. You're needed elsewhere, Ghost. I know you can't refuse an order just to babysit me' she said quietly.

'Fuck sake Worm, you know it's not like that' he said exasperated at her comment.

'Really Ghost, it's fine, I'm fine. Thanks for getting me out safely and for looking after me. I'll be okay when I get home, I promise' she said with an uneasy smile.

Ghost sighed deeply, feeling the guilt and sorrow of having to leave,'The mission should only be a couple of days, so as soon as I get back, I'm coming home, yeah?' he replied.

'Ok' she responded smiling. 

But Ghost could see that she wasn't fine. She'd been through hell, scared for her life and was injured. He knew deep down, that he should be with her, looking after her, keeping her safe. Instead he was walking away. He felt like a complete bastard.

Ghost was aware of the time 'I've got to get going, love. You drive safe, yeah, get yourself home and have a proper rest. I'll be checking on you now, so no slacking, I'll find out' he said teasing menacingly.

Worm smiled softly but he could see her eyes didn't shine as they usually did, 'Affirmative sir. Be safe on your mission Ghost'. She said quietly

'Will do, see you soon, Little Worm' he said, brushing her cheek, before saying goodbye and heading off.

With a heavy heart, Ghost loaded up onto the waiting chopper, ready to head off on another solo mission. He could feel the ball of discomfort in his gut at having to leave Worm. She was a tough woman, but she'd been through a traumatic experience and although she said she was fine, he could see she was just trying to be strong.

He felt conflicted, he would never consider refusing an order, but as he sat watching the landscape below him, he felt like a real cunt, leaving her when she needed him most.

Up until now, they'd managed to navigate their relationship and the demands of his job, making the most of their time together and keeping in regular contact when they were apart. Now, however, Ghost felt that he had let her down. 

All he wanted was to get this bloody mission done and head home as soon as he could and take care of the woman he loved, the woman who'd captured his heart.

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