Man Down

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Very soon, there were six of them at the compound, the place a hive of activity as they all trained and socialised together, waiting for their mission objectives. 

Laswell contacted them the next day with the plan. She explained that using an operator from another task force, posing as an ex employee of a weapons manufacturer, they had arranged a meeting with McAllister's contacts to set up a new contract to supply. Her operative confirming the contract was accepted and the first delivery would take place in two days. He informed her of the delivery location and confirmed that McAllister and his team would be there to collect the delivery. 

After informing the team of the mission particulars, she reminded them 'This is a highly sensitive operation, I don't need to remind you that going after one of our own units will have serious consequences. We have to get McAllister and his team on this, there is no half way. Even if we succeed, there is going to be a hell of a fallout for the 141. I will work on my end to smooth things out but it will take time, even when they have all the evidence'. 

Price reassured her 'My men know the risks and can take the heat, we'll be focused and get this bastard out of circulation'.


Once at the location, the task force was given the green light to proceed. Ghost and Price circling the warehouse, taking out any security they found as quickly as possible, so's not to alert McAllister and his team inside. 

Once inside, they circled them, instructing them to lay down their weapons. McAllister was pissed and yelled at Price, his men refused to stand down. The situation became tense very quickly. 

Ghost slipped away and grabbed one of the men as he raised his weapon to fire at Price, disarming him. Seeing the situation at hand, McAllister's men started firing at the team and soon a gun battled ensued. In the melee, Price's team managed to take out four of McAllister's men, but Peters took a shot in the neck and both Gaz and Boss sustained shots. 

McAllister and two of his men managed to make it to the exit, with both Price and Ghost giving chase, taking cover when they were fired upon. Reaching his vehicle, McAllister, pulled out a grenade launcher and fired at Price and Ghost. 

The explosion knocking both men to the ground, allowing McAllister and one of his men to escape. Ghost stunned by the blast, swore loudly and got to his feet as Soap ran to them. Price was knocked out cold.

Calling for an immediate medical evac, the team gathered outside the warehouse, assessing the damage. The mission was a bust and each of the men were quiet, feeling despondent at their failure. The evac would take a half hour, so while they waited,  Ghost tended to Price, who had a large gash on his head, stemming the bleeding, while Soap tended to Gaz and Boss's wounds. 

With everyone in the helicopter, Ghost contacted Laswell with a sitrep. As they headed back to the base. Laswell informed them that she was sending a cleanup crew to the warehouse and that they would need to get what they could from the compound and find safehouses immediately. 

Price was fully awake and alert when they arrived at the compound, Gaz and Boss were fine but would need additional treatment. Price arranged for the injured to go with Soap to a safehouse, after they cleared the compound.

The men entered the base and looked at each other in astonishment. The compound was on fire with a fire crew from the base working to put out the blaze. Price reacted immediately ordering the men to stay put as he walked quickly over to the fire captain. 

After a short discussion he returned to the men. 'Looks like some of McAllister's men paid us a visit'. Price ordered Soap, Gaz and Boss to grab a spare vehicle and head off to the safehouse. Turning to Ghost, he said 'I let them know there wasn't anyone on site, security let four of the General's men in nearly an hour ago. They said they were visiting for a debrief, bastards. Fire crew were alerted by night patrol, the building was already ablaze, there's nothing recoverable'. Ghost nodded.

Price gave Ghost coordinates of a meeting point where they could get their heads together and contact Laswell. The two men, headed to their own vehicles, loading up their duffels and drove off separately, leaving the compound behind. 

Sitting at the meeting spot, the two men took stock of the situation they found themselves in. This wasn't the first bust mission they'd experienced, but they both knew that this one carried a far bigger risk.

Contacting Laswell, they informed her of the compound being destroyed. 

Laswell informed them 'McAllister and some of his men have gone AWOL from their base, I've got a team out searching and checking out his contacts. As you know, there will be a lot of higher ups asking questions. I'll field as much as possible. I have the evidence on McAllister and his team, I just have to get them to listen. But right now, you and your team need to lay low for a few months till this settles down. Right now you're a target. We don't know if McAllister will disappear into the wind or if he will gather what's left of his unit and come after you. Price, I have your number, get to a safe house and I'll contact as and when I can'.

When the call ended, Price turned to Ghost 'we need to split up, I've got a safehouse I'll head to, you got somewhere to go, son?' he asked concerned about the man in front of him. 

Ghost immediately thought of Cassie, she'd given him co-ordinates to her home and he knew that no-one knew where she was, not even Laswell. The bright young woman had managed to stay off the radar of the CIA for years. 

Ghost nodded to Price 'I have somewhere to go' he said confidently. 

'Good' he replied, 'no need to tell you to keep your head down, Simon, I'll be in touch when I can' he said, patting Ghost on the back and getting into his truck. 

Ghost watched him leave and scanned his surroundings. When he was confident he was alone, he jumped into his truck and headed on the long drive to West Virginia.  


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