Finding Petrov

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Over the next week Worm enjoyed getting back into a pleasant routine. Ghost was already back training and attending to other duties, and would come by in his spare time to nag her to have breaks and eat, which Worm actually didn't mind that much. They didn't chat much, Ghost mainly sat reading through intel, while Worm tagged and uploaded files. 

Occasionally, they would like into light banter, with Worm teasing Ghost and Ghost acting annoyed, pulling rank and trying to order her, which usually led to her laughing, annoying him more. But the mood was always relaxed and comfortable. Neither spoke of the night Ghost was injured and Worm didn't want to push it.

They'd managed to get out on another hike while the weather held. Walking in an amiable silence, with some small discussions on hunting or trekking in the hills. Ghost would sometimes prompt Worm to disclose more about herself. Sitting watching the view, Ghost asked Worm about her life 'off grid'. 

'You grow your own food then?' He ventured. 

Worm's face seemed to light up taking about her garden. 'It's taken me a while to get the garden how I want, now I have an area for vegetables, a few fruit trees, and some berry bushes. You like gardening, Ghost?' she asked. 'No', he replied 'Never really had the chance to'.

Worm gushed 'I've already designed some planting for this year, so when I get home, I've got a lot of work setting up some new beds, before seeding'. 

'How did you get into gardening, s'not what I expected from someone who sits on her arse in front of a computer all day' Ghost commented, trying to get a rise out of her. 

'Asshole' she scoffed 'My grannie used to have me help in her garden, she grew everything, taught me all about the plants, the pests, how to preserve and such' she explained 'I always found it really relaxing. I love working in the soil, it's really grounding and good for stress'

Ghost enjoyed hearing her talk about something she loved and could picture her working away, digging the dirt, planting, weeding and gathering food.

He suddenly started chuckling. Worm, surprised by his change of mood, asked 'what's so funny?' Ghost leaned closer to her before saying quietly 'I found out your secret, little Worm.

'What?' she asked, genuinely concerned. Ghost chuckled again and tapped her on the forehead 'Where do little Worms live?' he queried. 

Worm crossed her arms and huffed. 'Okay Ghost, you got me. Grannie started calling me Worm because she said I was happier when I was in the dirt'. Worm confessed, now laughing herself.

 Ghost added amused 'I would never have guessed, thought it was something to do with you working in computers and hacking shit'

'So now you found me out, are you going to tell me how you got your name?' she enquired.

 Ghost hummed before saying more solemnly 'That's a long story, perhaps for another time, eh?'

That evening at dinner, Price talked about the upcoming Christmas holidays and how he'd be granting three weeks leave. Worm was surprised how fast the time had gone, being so busy with work. Worm was going to continue working over the holidays since she was on contract, but she didn't mind as she had no family at home, so didn't really mark Christmas. 

The two sergeants were pleased at the thought of having some leave over the holidays to go back to the UK to visit family, so chatted excitedly between themselves. Worm, suddenly feeling concerned about the upcoming break, turned to Price and asked 'What will happen when everyone's on leave, since I need to be supervised on the compound?'

'Oh, not to worry, Worm' Price answered, 'Ghost doesn't take his leave, so he'll be here to keep you company'. Worm felt a little more relieved that it would be Ghost staying but found herself wondering why he wouldn't take leave. Didn't he have family in the UK to go back to? Worm wondered if she felt it would be crossing a line to ask him about it?

A couple of days later, Worm was finishing up the last of her surveillance footage, quite pleased to be getting shot of the files once and for all. Converting the last two files for upload, she played part of the footage to make sure the compression rate was appropriate for the upload. Watching the shaky, grainy footage of two men getting out of a car and entering the building, she stopped and looked more closely. 

One of the men looked familiar, she was sure she'd seen him on an intel file. Opening the image files she'd saved, she spent time scanning through, wondering if she was mistaken. After all, she had seen so many images, that they would often blur together, since she had no associations with the people.

Suddenly she landed on an image, she was sure it was the same man. Looking at the notes on the file, she recognised the name, Ivan Petrov. Okay that made sense, she thought. The team has been going through so much intel on the man, it was natural that she would recognise his features. Paying no more attention, she went back to the video file, before noticing the date. 

The video file was from two years ago. Okay, that's odd, she pondered. She didn't remember seeing the name in the text file associated with the footage. Looking at the sheet, she saw Ghost's name, so thought he could maybe shine some light on it.

Checking everywhere, she went to Price's office and knocked. Inviting her in, he was talking with Ghost. 'What can we do for you Worm?' he asked. 

'Sorry to disturb you both, actually, it was Ghost I was looking for' she said. 

'What's up' Ghost asked. 

'Probably nothing' Worm suggested, 'But if you have time later, could you come look at some surveillance footage for me, I need you to confirm some details, if you have time?

'Ghost nodded 'No problem'. 

'Thanks' Worm replied before excusing herself.

Ghost appeared an hour later. 'What'd you need, little Worm?' he asked. 

Worm explained 'I'm uploading this footage and recognised one of the targets and looking through the images, I think it's Petrov'

Ghost nodded, glancing at the images on the screen, before responding 'Yeah, that's definitely Petrov, that all you need?

'Out of interest, When did you start surveillance on Petrov?' she questioned.

Ghost didn't hesitate in his reply 'Just over a year ago, why?

'Well, This footage was from two years ago and he's not mentioned in any of the intel attached to the images, was he even on your radar then?' she asked.

'Negative' Ghost responded, now perplexed, leaned forward to read the file. Worm patiently waited for a response. Ghost looked at her and at the footage on the screen before saying 'bloody hell, we had no idea he was connected back to Abramovich, right, do a search, see what we have on the Abramovich mission and cross reference it with Petrov's files'

Quickly Worm did as asked and the screen was filled with details of a crossover with two names, a group associated with human trafficking and a possible location, in Eastern Europe. 

'Good work Worm, print that off, I'll go see Price'. Taking the print, Ghost left. She didn't see Ghost or Price the rest of the evening, so ate alone before heading to her room to relax.

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