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A few days later, Worm was sat at the desk in the IT office, pouring over maps and cross referencing them with satellite images she had accessed of the region. After several hours, the images were starting to blur, so Worm took a break to get some fresh coffee.

Sat back at her desk, she rubbed her face and shook herself to try and get some energy going, then again searched the maps and satellite images. Noticing an anomaly, she zoomed in on the map to an area on the border outside of the search region. The map showed an uninhabited area that had a couple of abandoned buildings of a long forgotten town.

Before dismissing the image, Worm checked it against the three delayed satellite images on her laptop; one showing 6 months before the ambush, one a month before, and one more recent. Squinting at the screen and the maps, she noticed that the buildings were different. They were bigger, as though someone had added on to them.

Puzzled at the anomaly, she brought up information from the intel records of that area. There was little to suggest any activity in the area. So why were they rebuilding? She thought. Checking the map with the location of the ambush and Ghost's route marked out, the realisation hit her. This could be where they are.

Worm ran to get Price, trying not to get too excited. Bursting into his office and taking in a shocked Price, she blurted out 'I might have found something'

Price followed her back to the IT office and she explained the anomalies she had found.

Price carefully regarded the maps, the satellite data and the route marked in pen. 'I need to contact Farah and see if they've checked out this area', he said before taking down the coordinates and heading back to his office.

A nailbiting hour later, Price came back to the office 'I've relayed the info to Farah. They hadn't checked that area and they haven't had any reports of activity there, but they're sending out scouts to check it out', he said before adding 'Don't get too excited yet, Worm. It's a great lead but until we hear back from Farah, it's just a lead, okay?' he cautioned.

Worm nodded 'Understood' she said with her fingers crossed.

Worm continued her searches, eagerly awaiting word from Farah and her scouts. It wasn't until two nights later, Worm was woken from a restless sleep by banging on her door. Dragging herself to open the door, she found and agitated Price 'They've got them', he blurted out.

Worm now wide awake, sat with Price at the dining table, coffee in hand as he relayed Farah's message. The scouts had observed activity at the site Worm had identified on the map before confirming it was the group. Relaying the info back to Farah, they had sent out a larger group to storm the compound. Finding Ghost and her men, they'd released them and successfully fought the terrorists before destroying the compound.

Worm listened intently as Price explained that Ghost and the two men were severely injured, from the ambush and from being beaten by their captors. They had been transported back to Farah's base for medical attention. One of the men had filled in the gaps from when they were captured, detailing a horrific few weeks of beatings and torture, in an attempt to glean any intel from the three men.

'How is Ghost?' Worm asked cautiously, now knowing that he had survived an ambush and torture.

Price paused before answering 'He's not good, love. Farah reported that he has a head injury that they aren't equipped to deal with. His leg is busted badly and he had no movement in one of his arms. She said that since arriving back at their camp, he's been going in and out of consciousness and hasn't been coherent. I've contacted Laswell, she's sent out a medical team to stabilise him for transport back. They can then properly assess him and perform surgery on his leg', Price said looking worried himself.

Worm's emotions were on a roller coaster. From feeling despondent to excitement and hope that they were alive, to now feeling fear for how seriously Ghost had been hurt. They were going to have to wait until the medical transport could get him back to a medical facility in the US, where he could be assessed and treated.

Later that night, Laswell called Price to say that Ghost had been transferred to a military hospital in South Carolina and was in surgery. She explained that she didn't have any further info but would be in touch as soon as she had an update. It was an agonising wait to get more news and both Price and Worm were drained beyond exhaustion waiting for anything.

The following morning, Laswell called Price with an update. Ghost was out of surgery and stable. He had a head injury with brain swelling, he had a dislocated and fractured shoulder and his leg was broken in three places, amongst additional less serious injuries from the ambush and beatings.

The surgery had been successful, but they had placed Ghost in an induced coma to allow the swelling in his brain to subside. Laswell added that due to the nature of his work, she had requested a private room with limited medical staff access, to which the hospital agreed.

Worm and Price sat in silence in the dining area digesting the informationthe gamut of emotions they were experiencing. Worm's thoughts were buzzing in her head and she was the first to break the silence 'I want to go see him' she said purposefully.

Price nodded, 'I can get that arranged. As his CO and listed next of kin, I have access, but I'll have to add you on his file as his next of kin before they'd allow you in. What name should I list?' he asked.

'Annie Michaels',  Worm replied quickly. She was going to see Simon again.

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