Why am I Here?

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The next few days were quieter than expected. Ghost, Price and Boss had gone off on some re-con mission, leaving Worm and Peters in the compound for three days. Peters was pissed at being left behind to 'babysit' as he called it, so Worm just ignored his bad mood and got on with building the new database. With just the two of them, there was no meals cooked, so Worm just ate when she was hungry and worked till she was about to drop. The three days went past quite quickly.

By the time the three were due back, she'd finished setting up the database and started coding the intel already on the system. Needing a break, she decided to have a rummage through the kitchen to see what was there and was surprised to ingredients for baking. Thinking of her Grannie, she set about making muffins for the team's return.

Although it was late when they got back, the smell of fresh baking was still present through the compound, providing a warm welcome for the guys. Worm made them hot drinks and set out a plate of muffins, much to their delight. Chatting with Price, Peters and Boss was light and jovial and Worm felt more relaxed that she had been for some time. She was disappointed though that Ghost had grabbed a hot drink and disappeared to his room.

When he hadn't returned, Worm decided that she'd take him a muffin so he wouldn't lose out. Worm hesitantly knocked on Ghost's door waiting for a response, but none came. So she left the muffin by the door and headed off to her room. 

A couple of minutes later, she head a 'what the fuck', before a door closed. Worm felt a smile growing and a warm feeling as she settled for the night.


 Worm quickly adapted to her routine, spending most of her time in the IT room or in her quarters with her laptop. She'd noticed that when Price wasn't around, Peters and Boss didn't really pay much attention to her, except when they were acting like a couple of kids, making stupid remarks to her. Worm wasn't the most graceful in her movements, which got worse when she was distracted. So this amused the two sergeants, leading them to start calling her Dumbo, saying she should change her code-name as she had the grace of a baby elephant.

She rarely saw Ghost, who seemed to spend his time in his office, the gym, shooting range or in his quarters. When she did see him, late in the evening, she'd make nervous small talk, which usually consisted of her rambling about something and Ghost ignoring her. She asked him about his day, what he was doing in training etc. The one sided conversation usually ended with Ghost snapping, 'do you ever stopped talking?', or telling her to shut up, before walking off. 

Her only constructive conversations were checking in with Price, asking questions about intel she was coding and giving updates. Worm spent a lot of time alone, so her mouth seemed to make up for lost time when she did get the chance to talk to someone. Price didn't seem to mind, almost being amused by the young woman's chatter, but the others didn't hide their annoyance. So, as time went on, Worm was becoming more self conscious and started to spend less time in the communal areas.

The work was pretty easy, so Worm was getting bored and a little stir crazy. Looking out of the window in her quarters, she longed to go explore the hills and woodland she could see in the distance. Feeling a little homesick to be in nature, she remembered that she couldn't just leave the compound, she had to be escorted.

After debating internally, she headed downstairs to find someone to go hiking with. Finding Boss, she asked if he had time to escort her out on a walk sometime. He just looked at her strangely and said he was too busy and to ask Ghost as he knew the trails better than anyone. Later she found Peters, but got a straight no, when she asked. Price was usually busy with meetings and stuff and she wasn't about to ask Ghost, so with a huff, she returned to work.

Worm tried several times over the week to persuade one of the sergeants to go on a hike, reminding them she couldn't leave without an escort. She got the impression that they had no wish to spend any time with her. The cabin fever was starting to take a toll on Worm, she was finding it harder to sleep, she was more anxious and clumsy and was becoming more distracted in her work.

Getting pissed off at herself but also feeling like she was trapped in this small concrete prison, Worm cornered the two sergeants in the kitchen. She decided to be honest with them that she was struggling and getting fed up, but the two just laughed about her frustration, saying that they were trained soldiers and how it wasn't in their job description to take her on a walk like a pet dog. Calling them a couple of 'selfish assholes', she stormed off to her room in a sulk.

Later Worm headed to the mess hall to make her evening hot chocolate, feeling a little sorry for herself. While she was waiting for the kettle to boil, Ghost walked in. 

'Evening lieutenant, can I get you a drink?' she ventured. He ignored her as usual. Her shoulders dropped and even though she knew what the answer would be, she turned and addressed Ghost

'Lieutenant, Boss said that you were the one to speak to about hiking the trails north of the base, I can't go on my own, so wondered if you would have time to show me?' 

No sooner had she asked, Ghost barked out 'No'. 

Feeling a pang of sadness and growing annoyance, she responded quietly 'You know, it doesn't cost anything to be friendly'. 

Ghost looked over at her before speaking sharply 'why should I be friendly?, I'm not your friend and you're here to do a job, not to make friends'.

Worm was taken aback by his words and could feel tears threatening 'I'm just trying to make an effort here, I'm trying to be nice to you, but you're just being an asshole'. 

Ghost stood up and walked towards her, making her flinch, 'I told you to watch your mouth, but you can't can you?, you don't know when to shut up, I don't want to hear from you, I don't want your friendly and I don't want your nice, just stay the fuck out of my way, got it?'. 

Anxious tears filled Worm's eyes and her breathing sped up, clenching her fists, she retaliated 'no lieutenant, I was wrong, you're not acting like an asshole, you're acting like a fucking constipated grizzly bear with a stick up his ass'. Worm turned and left, running to her room, locking her door and throwing herself on her bed and crying into the pillow.  

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