The End?

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Cassie was so happy to have him home again, but was anxious to know what had been discussed about him returning to duty with the task force, since Simon had mentioned that the guys were missing him and keen to have him back with them.

'We discussed it and Price said he'll be in touch' Simon answered simply.

Noting Cassie's silence, he queried 'Something wrong love?'

'No, nothing's wrong. Just trying to get used to the thought of you going back to work after everything that happened on the last mission. You still have a lot of healing to do, so I thought your medical leave would be longer or maybe just returning with some light duties' she said quietly.

'You worrying about me, sweetheart?' Simon asked with a smile.

'Well of course I am... it's just...' she started.

'What is it, Cassie?' Simon asked prompting her to continue.

'I always worry about you when you're away. It's just that, this last mission.........I almost lost you' Cassie admitted sadly.

'You know a situation like that is rare, love?' Simon reasoned

'I know...and I know that you're highly trained and you don't take unnecessary risks. It's not going to stop me worrying though. Surely they wouldn't want you on active duty so soon?' Cassie responded.

'It's gonna be fine, I promise you' Simon stated, pulling her into a hug.


Cassie and Simon spent the rest of the week on Winter preparations, including cutting down a couple of trees to stock up on firewood. It was great to be back out doing jobs together and soon Cassie's worries had faded away. Simon was insistent that any jobs that would ensure the cabin was Winter ready, were identified and completed in good time.

Cassie was grateful that Simon was wanting to make sure she had everything she needed, in preparation for him possibly being called to duty. It was going to be a huge adjustment for Cassie to get used to the idea of Simon being away again, but she was going to have to trust his judgement in his readiness.

After completing a particularly challenging contract, Simon had offerred to cook dinner and spent the evening fussing over her, massaging her shoulders and neck to release the tension from the long hours on the laptop. 

A notification came up on her laptop, prompting her to groan and pull herself off of the sofa,  checking to see if it was another contract. It was a message from Price asking to have a video call with Simon.

Simon went to the office to have his call, while Cassie had a hot shower. She felt her heart drop into her stomach at the thought that Simon was being called to go back to work already. Her mind racing, she resolved to support him in doing what he wanted to do and that she would always be here when he came home.

Returning to the sitting area, she saw that Simon was already back and sitting at the table. He looked deep in thought. Putting her arms around his neck from behind and placing a kiss on his cheek, she asked about his call 'How's Price doing?'

'He's good. He asked about you.' Simon responded simply.

Sensing there was something else, Cassie sat down beside him 'What is it? Do you have a date to go back on duty?' She asked curious.

Simon paused before replying 'No, no date. I've been medically discharged' he said quietly.

Cassie's mouth opened in shock 'Discharged?' she asked stunned, then taking note of his quiet demeanour 'Are you okay Simon?'

Simon turned to her, 'Yeah, I'm okay'' he said quietly with a stoic expression.

Cassie couldn't understand how he could be so calm at the news. The Task Force had been his life for so many years and he had excelled in his work. 

'Aren't you upset? I mean, you were always so keen to get back to work' she asked worrying about how he was handling the news.

'No, I'm not upset, just feels strange hearing it' he said bluntly, looking down at his hands.

Cassie stroked his cheek, prompting him to look back up at her 'You sure you're okay? I'm shocked, aren't you shocked?' she asked gently.

Simon smiled softly 'No, I'm not shocked. It was me who requested it' he said looking closely at her face.

Cassie was struck dumb for a moment trying to take in what she was hearing. 'What? You requested it? Why?' she asked in disbelief.

Simon sighed and smiled 'I never used to worry about coming back from missions. Meeting you changed that. You gave me a reason to want to come home. This last mission, there was a point I realised that I was probably never going to see you again, hear your voice, be here with you. That was far worse than the beatings and the torture. I couldn't stand that'. 

'I got a second chance and I knew I didn't want to risk that again. When we went for the hospital follow up, I met with Price and told him I was resigning. He was shocked, but he understood. He said to wait for the final assessment since there was nerve damage. He could then arrange a medical discharge so I would get a severance. He wanted to make sure we would be set up for money and not have to worry' Simon explained.

Cassie was crying softly, trying to take in every word he was saying 'You're not going back, even for light duties?' she asked tearfully.

'No, love. I'm staying home with you' he said with a wide smile. 'If that's okay with you?' he added teasing.

Cassie threw her arms around his neck, crying 'Of course that's okay with me' she sobbed.

Lying snuggled in bed that night, taking in the evenings conversation, Cassie asked 'How do you feel now that it's final?'

'Feels odd' Simon replied bluntly

'Odd? How so?' she asked curious.

'Well I've known for a while it's what I wanted, but yeah, it's still odd now it's real. Gonna take a bit of getting used to though' he replied honestly.

'Yes it will. As long as you don't completely re-design the cabin cos you wanna keep busy, we'll be okay' Cassie teased.

Simon chuckled and tightened his hold, kissing her temple 'hmmm, was thinking maybe we could do with a second floor' he teased back.

'Hell no' Cassie shouted, trying hard not to laugh as she fought to get out of his hold.

Simon laughed, wrapping her tighter in his arms, smothering her face in his chest 'I think I fancy building a swimming pool and a bigger garage and maybe a games room' he teased, laughing harder as he wrestled with the protesting woman in his arms

Early BirdsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara