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Worm had a good night sleep, waking refreshed and eager to get to work. Jumping out of bed, showering and getting dressed, Worm noticed a note had been pushed under her door. Intrigued, she picked it up to read.

Morning gorgeous. Your office, 10 minutes. S x

Worm grinned at the sweet message from Ghost and practically skipped her way down to the IT office. Ghost was sat there, with breakfast and fresh coffee for her. 

Worm squealed with delight. 'You brought me breakfast, thank you', she gushed flinging her arms around him and kissing his mouth, several times through his balaclava.

Ghost chuckled and led her to sit down beside him, 'Couldn't exactly bring you breakfast in bed, love', he responded nuzzling her cheek.

They ate breakfast, while Worm ran through some of the information that she had been researching from the gathered intel. Ghost reviewed her intel timeline leading up the attack on the village, before concluding, 'That's great work, love. If you have the emails along with the timeline then it should give us a couple of locations to scout', he said feeling proud of her analysis in such a short time.

Soon they headed off to the briefing session with Price, eager to share the information. The three sat in the conference room with a large whiteboard beside them and a table covered in various reports, photos and documents. Worm went through her timeline step by step, connecting each step with the large amount of collated intel and emails from a couple of sources. Price and Ghost kept themselves on track by adding the keeping points to the whiteboard.

Price was able to tie some of the intel from the timeline to new, updated intel that Laswell had sent through from the Brazilian Special forces on the ground. After several hours of arduous discussions, they had managed to identify two possible associates of Gutierrez, along with their locations and business addresses.

After having lunch, Ghost and Price had a video conference with Laswell to get an updated briefing and to share their intel. Worm, in the meantime, got back to work gathering more information about the locations and contacts, they'd identified, in Brazil. Feeling satisfied with the days work, Worm decided to make some dinner for the three of them, while the two men were still in their briefing video conference.

Worm was finishing up cooking when the two men entered the kitchen area. 'Something smells good. You treating us to some of your great cooking, Worm?', Price commented pulling up a chair.

Ghost assisted in setting out the table for them while Worm plated up their food. 'So do you have enough for a plan of action?' she asked curious about their conference briefing.

'Yes, Soap and Gaz will be back tomorrow and we'll reconvene. Then Ghost and myself will head down to meet with the Brazilian Special forces to apprehend the two contacts for questioning and we'll see what additional intel we can pick up from the locations' Price explained.

Ghost tended not to talk very much while in company, so listened intently while Worm happily chatted with Price. 'How you been since Bulgaria, Worm?' Price asked tentatively.

'It was kinda tough at first, but I'm doing really good. Got stuck into doing a lot of jobs around my cabin and started working on an extension. I always have lots of work to do in the garden, so that helps ground me' she responded cheerfully.

'Wow, you've had your hands full, Worm. Ghost told me you two go hunting?' Price queried

'Yes, I've lived off grid for a while so go hunting when the freezer is getting a bit low. Me and Simon managed to get an adult buck at the end of the hunting season, so I'm good till Winter', Worm said proudly.

Price chuckled 'Good to hear you got it covered. You been in contact with Laswell since then?' he asked curious.

'She's been in touch a couple of times, asking me about contracts and consultations, but...... I'm not ready yet to put my trust in her again' Worm said sadly.

'Understandable. Both of us hauled her ass for the screw up and putting you in danger. I know she regrets what happened and misses working with you, but you have to do what's right for you, love', Price said smiling at the young woman.

Price asked her more about her and Simon's hunting trips and the contracts she had been working on, before he eventually excused himself, leaving Ghost and Worm to themselves.

Ghost took off his gloves and held Worm's hand, 'You okay, love?' he asked caressing her hand.

'I'm good. You worried about me?' Worm asked curious, but smiling.

'Not worried, love. Just wanna make sure you're good being back on a base again' he responded softly.

'I'm good here cos I'm with you, and Price. I feel safe with you guys cos I know that if there was a problem, you would both have my back' she replied honestly.

'Always love' Ghost said with a wink.

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