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Setting off in Simon's truck, both of them were in good spirits. They'd been working hard over the last couple of weeks, so it was a well earned break to run into town. Cassie directed Simon to the area of town where the stores were, finding a parking space. Simon had donned his plain balaclava and sunglasses, but looked casual in his jeans and sweatshirt, Cassie wearing an old pair of jogging trousers and her favourite black hoodie. 

Walking into the store, Simon had a couple of strange looks but no-one really paid him much attention, they were used to all sort in the town and pretty much welcomed everyone.

They looked through the store finding a couple of picnic benches to choose from, Cassie picking the larger of the two and grabbed some gardening supplies, before they headed over to the clothing area. Simon looked through the racks selecting a couple of t-shirts, a hoodie and some jeans. Cassie was meandering round, but Simon was keeping a close eye on her, he was hyper aware being in a strange town and didn't want to lose sight of her.

Seeing her rummaging around on a gondola, he looked at her puzzled 'what are you up to?' he enquired.

Cassie's head shot up 'got it!' she exclaimed, lifting up a large flannel shirt. 'Found one that suits you' she said mischievously.

Simon growled at her 'you can fuck right off', feigning annoyance, causing her to laugh.

'Aw it would look so good with your new jeans, when you're swinging your axe'. She teased. 'So manly and handsome' she added smirking.

'I said fuck off' he growled again, grabbing her around the waist, immobilising her and ripping the shirt from her grasp. 'We're done here, you little troublemaker' he said teasing and scolding her.

'Aw, I like that shirt' she protested. 

'Tough' he said, 'we're done here' he added more firmly, putting his things in their trolley and heading to the cashier desk.

Cassie, still giggling handed over her card for payment, getting distracted looking at hunting knives on the stand. The cashier, waiting to serve Simon was looking impatient. Simon apologised before taking the card and paying cash for his clothes. Ushering Cassie out of the store to the truck, he handed her the card, noticing the name, Annie Michaels.

They got into the truck, ready to head to the grocery store, Simon turned to Cassie 'Annie Michaels, you steal someone's credit card?' he questioned.

'No' Cassie replied, looking offended 'it's an alias I made up for college, driving license, bank account and credit card' she explained as though it was no big deal.

'You created another identity to get into college?' he asked looking confused.

'Yeah, don't like being tracked and I knew I'd be on the CIA radar, it's easier this way, nothing in my real name' she added.

Simon nodded 'clever girl'. He said before driving off. 'So you made up a whole new person, with a backstory and everything?' he queried.

'yeah, it's not that hard when you know what parameters the government agencies use to do background checks. She's a squeaky clean, church going girl from Atlanta Georgia' Cassie said with a drawl and a sly smile.

Simon chuckled and shook his head 'Bloody hell'. 

The two took some time going round the grocery store, getting enough supplies to last them for a few weeks. It felt oddly domestic for the pair, teasing each other as they shopped 'you think we should get another one of these, hun?' Cassie asked in a sultry drawl.

Simon chuckled 'whatever you want sweetcheeks' eliciting a laugh. 

Cassie teased and flirted in a strong West Virginian accent, making Simon chuckle in amusement, but also making him feel quite hot under the collar. Fuck he loved that accent. Cassie completely oblivious to the effect she was having on him, playfully flirted and teased him causing him to blush under his balaclava. Staring to feel overwhelmed Simon hurried her up, so they could leave the store. Fuck, she's going to be the death of me, he thought, relieved to be outside.

Back at the cabin, they packed away all the groceries, Simon still reeling from the effect that this woman was having on him. So he made the excuse to go put the picnic table together while Cassie prepared dinner. 

Showering and changing into his new clothes, Simon went out to the shed to wash his clothes. Cassie had a very rustic old style set up with a large wash tub and a hand operated spinner. Simon enjoyed the monotony of scrubbing his clothes as he thought about Cassie. He was really at a loss as to what to do. He had no idea how to approach affairs of the heart, he had no real meaningful experience of romance. 

How did she even feel about him? Some of her actions and reactions made him think that she did have feelings for him and that she found him attractive, however, his mind kept going back to the conversation about past relationships. Groaning at the memory, Simon scolded himself again 'bloody stupid, the girl's self-conscious about how she looks and you, bloody idiot tells her about prostitutes and blond bimbos'. Finishing hanging his clothes up, Cassie called to him to come for dinner.

Dinner was filled with talk of their chores and Cassie gushing about her excitement for the coming planting. Simon was still feeling conflicted, so was happy to let her chatter. After dinner, Cassie spent time sorting out her seeds and checking her planting diagram while Simon cleaned his knives and handgun. 

Soon Cassie announced she was off to bed, leaving Simon alone with his thoughts. Despite the feeling of regret and wanting to kick himself, Simon decided that he had to find a way to tell Cassie how he felt about her. He wasn't one for fancy, soppy words, but he was a man of action. He would find a way to show her how much he cared about her.

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