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Over the long Winter period, Simon and Cassie relaxed into their familiar routine, maintaining the property through some heavy snow storms, making sure the three of them were cosy and warm in the cabin. 

When the weather cleared enought, they managed to head out for an overdue hunting trip, with and excited but very well behaved, Milo in tow. Cassie and Simon were overjoyed to be getting out hunting together now that Simon's injuries had healed sufficiently. 

Milo proved he was an excellent hunting companion, listening to Simon's commands to remain quiet and patient as they scoped out and took down a large buck, before running to the fallen animal and guarding the kill till Simon could get to it. 

Milo's hard work and good behaviour was rewarded with a buck hoof, thoroughly enjoying chomping on it while Simon and Cassie prepared the meat for the freezer.


For Simon and Cassie's first wedding anniversary, Simon was keen to treat Cassie, but wondered what he could offer the woman who felt she had everything. 

Sitting curled up on the sofa, Simon kissed her cheek and asked 'Cassie, love. In a couple of weeks, we'll have been married a year, so I wanna do something special for you. What would you like sweetheart?'

'That's so sweet of you Simon, there's nothing I really need. I'm just happy to be here with you and Milo' she replied with a smile.

Simon dramatically rolled his eyes, prompting Cassie to slap his arm 'What's that for asshole?' she asked smirking.

'Kinda knew you'd say that, love' he responded teasing her. 'Is there something you've always wanted to do or somewhere you'd like to go?' he added trying to prompt her.

Cassie thought for a moment before replying 'I'd like to go to the coast. It's been years since me and my grandparents went to the beach' she said with a grin.

Simon smiled at the victory 'Great, we'll do that then, love' he said hugging her tight.


Simon booked them a week in a remote seaside cottage in North Carolina, with a stunning view and a short walk to the seafront. Being off season, they didn't see anyone else for the whole week, so had the full run of the beach, much to theirs and Milo's delight. 

They enjoyed spending days, walking on the beach, watching Milo playing around in the surf and finding pieces of driftwood to play with. Cassie and Simon fully relaxed in the rare ocassion when they had no work to do. 

Before heading home, they made a detour to a couple of Simon's deposit box sites to get his spare cash and odd possessions he had stashed there.


Returning back home, Cassie soon had contracts coming in. With Simon's assistance, they were able to take on some extra work that Cassie couldn't have managed on her own. Simon assisted her on an intel contract, immediately proving how valuable his knowledge, experience and contacts were. He was able to provide a unique insight into the requirements of a European Task Force contract, having worked on a couple of similar missions. 

No sooner had they completed the contract successfully, another came through involving the Task Force 141 and Laswell. Cassie still felt some residual pain from the breakdown of their friendship and working relationship, but agreed to the contract as it was helping Price and his team. 

Simon enjoyed working with Cassie again and being back in contact with his old team, despite some pangs of sadness that he wasn't on the mission with them. Cassie and Simon worked as an excellent team providing some valuable intel and back up for their mission preparation and subsequent mission.

Relieved to see the mission a success and everyone return to base safely, Simon felt an immense sense of satisfaction and pride at the work Cassie had done as well as his own contribution to providing backup for the mission.

Simon had his own debrief meeting on video call with Price, with Price keen to hear how Simon and Cassie were getting on and how Simon was healing. Simon took the opportunity to talk to his former Captain about the offer of training dogs.

'That's a bloody good idea Simon, it's good to hear you'll be putting your training to good use. I'll contact the base commander and put in a good word for you mate' Price offered with a proud smile. 

'Appreciate it Price. It'll be a couple of months till I get the kennels built and get some training, but I'm looking forward to it' Simon admitted.

Price concluded the call with an order for Simon and Cassie to come visit them at the base, refusing to take no for an answer. Simon agreed as long as Milo could come with them.


A month later, and a pause in contracts, Simon, Cassie and Milo headed down to South Carolina to visit the base. Although no longer on duty, Simon wore his balaclava and was greeted at the gate as Lieutenant Ghost, and Cassie as D.S.Worm. 

Price was waiting at the entrance of the compound to greet them, giving Worm a warm hug and patting Ghost on the back. 'Good to finally see you both' Price said grinning and looking down at Milo 'So this is Milo? That's a handsome dog you got there Ghost. He your first trainee?'.

Ghost shook his head in response, 'No, he's ours. He's discharged from training for an injury, but I'm still training him. He's turning out to be an excellent service dog, hunting dog and guard dog. Appreciate you accommodating him Price' he replied proudly.

Price led them inside and showed them to quarters with twin beds, before they headed to Price's office to catch up. Price expressed gratitude for the work that they had contributed to their last mission. 'You training as a Digital Specialist, now Ghost?' Price asked smiling.

'S' good work and I have an expert teacher' Ghost replied turning to Worm who was smiling.

'Sure is. He giving you any trouble, Worm?' Price asked teasing, prompting a huff from Ghost.

Worm laughed 'No, sir. Ghost is a perfect student and I get to have the benefit of his experience and analytical skills. So he's an excellent asset' she responded with pride.

'Good to hear it. You two get yourselves settled and come join us for dinner. Gaz and Soap will be done training by then. Get the gang back together, eh?' Price suggested.

Gaz was in the kitchen then they arrived for dinner, giving Worm a hug and greeting Ghost with a warm, 'Good to see you mate'.

Worm helped Gaz in finishing dinner, while Ghost and Price sat talking at the table, Milo sitting relaxed at Ghost's feet.

Gaz nudged Worm with his elbow 'So, I guess congratulations are in order? When did you marry the Ghost man?' he whispered gesturing to her ring.

Worm chuckled at the comment 'Over a year ago. Did Price tell you?' she asked curious.

'No, guessed something was going on when you and Ghost left the base together, after his injury. Price made me swear not to say anything. Only just noticed you two wearing rings' he said quietly, leaning into her.

'Thanks for keeping quiet, you know how private Ghost is', Worm commented.

'Ghost? You're just as bad Worm', Gaz retorted chuckling. 'Think Soap only just cottoned on when Price told us you were both visiting. He's gonna flip when he finds out he was flirting with Ghost's wife', Gaz added with a devious smirk.

'Shit, he really didn't know?' Worm asked in disbelief.

'Didn't have a clue', Gaz whispered shaking his head.

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