Baby Steps

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Simon and Cassie set up the dining table to process the birds they had collected. There was a lot of work to do removing the innards before plucking the birds before cleaning and cutting them up. The two worked well together making quick work of the preparing the larger birds. 

While Cassie worked on the second turkey, she admired Simon's knife work with how he dissected the bird. 'You're really good at this, you done this a lot?' she asked.

'I worked as an apprentice butcher when I was a teenager' he explained 'Got used to carving different carcasses while I was working there, came in handy whenever I went hunting'. He added.

Cassie nodded 'my grannie taught me how to process rabbits and turkeys when I was young, my grandfather would go hunting now and then, so I'd help her out'. She commented. Cassie packed up the parts as Simon cut up the best pieces, leaving the bones and some innards to boil up for broth. The smaller birds, they took one each to process.

Cleaning up, with all the processed meat packed into the fridge and freezer, Simon chopped vegetables while the remains boiled down into broth. Cassie prepared the smaller birds, with herbs, to roast for their dinner. Cassie admired how Simon worked around the kitchen, efficient and calculated in his movements, she never once felt that he was in the way.

'You're quite a woman Cassie Parker' Simon said suddenly causing her to stop and look at him surprised 'you're amazing how self-sufficient you are, hunting and processing your own meat, growing your own veg, not many people could do that on their own'. Simon added.

Taken aback and blushing slightly at the compliment, she replied 'thanks, I guess, never really thought about it, just do what I need to do, didn't think it was that amazing'.

Looking into her eyes, Simon leaned down and kissed her on the cheek 'well I think you're amazing' he whispered smiling.

Trying to cover her blushing, she playfully punched him on the arm 'you better behave yourself mister or you can sleep in the shed' she said chuckling.

Simon feigned shock, then laughing 'you're a mean woman, you know that?' he said eyeing her menacingly.

Sitting at dinner, Cassie was still puzzled at Simon's apparent increase in affection, not that she was complaining, she loved it. She just didn't understand what had changed.

Simon though the risk he took trying to be more affectionate with her, seemed to be welcomed by her, which pleased him, he especially loved that his actions were having an effect on her. Smiling as he thought about her blushing. He loved it when she blushed and acted coy, so he wanted to see it more. He was surprised that it was becoming easier as he was feeling more comfortable expressing small gestures, they no longer felt clumsy and awkward. 

He kept glancing at her and would occasionally brush past her arm, feeling more daring in his touch, at one point, resting his hand on her lower back. Noticing how she would tense, then relax into his touch almost immediately. It felt good.

Cassie, feeling herself getting self-conscious, found herself getting lost in her negative thoughts, thinking to herself 'stop getting so carried away, he's just being nice, there's no way he finds you attractive. You're not his type'. Feeling her mood lower, she started playing with her cuffs and biting her bottom lip. 

Simon noticed the change in her demeanour, wondering why she was suddenly looking so down, remembering the same change in her mood after they'd talked about previous relationships. Doubts started to plague him again, worrying that, despite the fun and flirting that day, he may have inadvertently ruined his chances with her.

He decided to tackle his worry face on. 'Cassie, love?' he ventured, watching her look up at him. 'Has something upset you?'

Cassie looked puzzled 'No, why?' she asked.

'You've drawn into yourself and you're playing with your cuffs, you usually only do that when you're nervous or something's bothering you, you did it the other night when we were taking. Have I said something to upset you?'. He asked, hoping she'd open up to him.

'No, I wasn't upset by anything you said, I appreciated you being honest with me' she said looking down and fiddling with her cuffs.

He put his hand over hers drawing attention to the fact he could see she was doing it again. 'You sure, I didn't upset you?' he asked prodding, looking at her closely to gauge her reaction.

'umm, you didn't upset me, I can do that all by myself' she said looking sheepish.

'What's up love, what's got you worried?' he questioned.

Cassie sighed, 'I upset myself talking about all the shitty things my ex had said to me, that's all' she said quietly.

'Why you still worried about that, the guy was a real cunt to you, why is it still bothering you?' he asked, wondering what was going on in her head.

Taking a deep breath, Cassie quietly explained 'talking about it all again bothered me so much because I know that some of what he said was true, that's why it hurt me so much, I knew he was right'.

'Fuck no, Cassie, how can you think that?' Simon asked in disbelief.

Cassie felt uncomfortable opening up about her insecurities, but Simon had been so honest about his, she wanted to show him she trusted him. 'I've never been that bothered about how I looked, I've never been a girly girl. Grannie used to try to get me to be more like a girl, but I never felt comfortable. I've always just worn scruffy clothes, never wore makeup and I don't do my hair. He was right because I've never made an effort. I'm not elegant, or graceful or feminine. I guess it still gets to me'

Simon was shocked at what he was hearing, this wasn't how he saw her.

'When you were talking about your past 'dating' history, professional girlfriends, tall blondes and stuff, It just reminded me that, that's what guys usually find attractive in a woman. I've never been anything like that'. she said flustered.

Simon was glad to get to the bottom of why she was upset but he felt his heart break at her words, he hadn't realised she struggled this much and what he'd said, had bothered her. Turning to her, he took her face in his hands, looking at her intently, even though she was trying not to look him in the eye. 'Cassie, sweetheart, first of all, that was along time ago when I was young and irresponsible, second, I think it's great that you're nothing like them'.

Cassie looked up with a frown on her face. 'Cassie, you are attractive and feminine, not to mention you can shoot a target at 500 meters, you know you're way round a chainsaw, do you know how amazing that is?'. He continued, smiling. 

Cassie was bright red and giggling. 

'Your can fell a fucking tree for christ sake' he said laughing. 'You hunt, you grow your own food, you're a fucking great cook, you remove bullets and stitch wounds'

They were both giggling like mad now. Simon paused looking at her, 'Cassie love, you look gorgeous even when you're in your old patched trousers, scruffy hoodie, hair all over the place and covered in mud'.

Cassie rolled her eyes 'you're just fucking weird'. She said embarrassed but feeling elated, letting his words wash over her.

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