Paging Dr Worm

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Worm woke around midnight, hearing some commotion coming from downstairs, so she jumped out of bed and went down to see if that meant the team were back. As she arrived at the hallway, Ghost walked past, surprising her. 'Ghost, you good?', she called out. He didn't answer and headed upstairs. 

Walking into the mess hall, she was greeted by Price, Boss and Peters. Peters was hobbling around and Price and Boss were discussing the mission. Worm made herself a drink and sat with them, asking if everyone was okay. Boss replied 'Team one took a couple of hits, nothing major, Peter's here got clipped in the leg, Ghost was hit in the shoulder'.

Concern rising again, Worm asked 'Why aren't you both in the infirmary?' Peter's laughed 'Tis but a scratch', the men laughing, but Worm didn't get the reference. 

'And Ghost?' she questioned. Boss laughed again 'Your wouldn't see Ghost dead in the infirmary, he fixes himself up'. Worm was shocked listening to the men joke about being shot. 

Peters piped up 'Price, remember when Ghost caught the business end of a grenade, knocked him out cold, Fuck, was he pissed when he woke up in the infirmary'

Price groaned shaking bis head 'Don't bloody remind me, I never heard the end of it from the medical Captain, had to make Ghost pay for the damage he caused to the medical wing'.

Worm took her drink and left the men to reminisce about injuries. Worm was perplexed, I guess this is army humour, she thought to herself. Getting back in to bed, Worm thought about Ghost. She now understood why he'd rushed past her, ignoring her. He was probably in pain and wanted to tend to his injury. She was worried about him, hoping he was okay and if he needed any help. 

Worm lay in bed for over an hour, hearing the compound quieten as the others settled for some much needed rest. She argued with herself as to whether she should check on Ghost. Digging out her medical bag, she popped out to the hallway, checking for any movement and walking towards Ghost's quarters.

Seeing his light still on and hearing movement, she hesitated before gently knocking. The movement increased and the door suddenly opened. Ghost looked flustered, his mask looked skewed as though it had been hastily put on. He glared at her and growled 'what do you want?'

Taking a breath, she spoke quietly 'Boss said you were shot and weren't going to the infirmary, so I......'. 

Ghost cut her off 'Boss has a big mouth'. Worm continued 'I wanted to check if you needed any assistance'

Ghost gruffly asked 'Why would I need bloody computer tech to help with a gunshot?' 

Worm bristled at the obvious slight, but explained, holding up her bag 'I'm trained in emergency field medicine'

Ghost looked at the bag, then her, saying 'Don't need your help' and closed the door. Worm let out the breath she'd been holding and walked back to her room. Getting back into bed.

Ghost looked at the closed door and closed his eyes in frustration, leaning his forehead on the door. Fuck, he thought, I shouldn't have snapped at her. She only wanted to help. Ghost groaned and went back to the bathroom. He was pissed, not only because some bastard shot him (it didn't happen that often) but because he couldn't get the fucking bullet out. 

Ghost would never ask for help, he was a stubborn man, he'd always looked after himself and he was damned if that was going to change. Ghost sighed, he was in pain, he was exhausted, he wanted a cuppa, a shower and bed. Instead he's twisting himself in weird angles trying to get a purchase on the bullet to get the damn thing out.

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