Table for Two

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Back at the cabin, Cassie busied herself in the greenhouse checking on her seedlings and planting her purchases, while Simon said he was going off to the shed to do some jobs he wanted to finish before dinner.

Her work in the garden finished, Cassie headed off to shower and change while Simon started cooking dinner. Cassie was ordered to go relax and stay out of the way while Simon cooked, so she happily sat on the sofa and watched a couple of shows on her laptop. 

Although she was watching her shows, Cassie thought to how sweet Simon was being with her. She was a little confused at first with how he was being more affectionate and attentive to her needs, but now, she felt a real sense of contentment having this wonderful, sweet man, looking after her. Now he was treating her to ice cream and wanting to cook her 'something special'. Was this Simon being romantic, she thought? The thought awoke her butterflies and made her feel like a giggling schoolgirl. 

She was over the moon when Simon had decided to sleep in her bed rather than the couch. Relieved that he was sleeping beside her so she could know he was okay during the night, but in reality, she loved the feeling of having him so close, cuddling her through the night and waking up to his handsome face in the morning.

When dinner was done, Simon ordered her to go to the bedroom for fifteen minutes while he set the table, causing her to pout and giggle, so he teasingly shooed her away so he could finish setting the table and serve dinner. 

Simon came to fetch her, surprising her by holding her still and putting a scarf around her eyes as a blindfold.

'What are you up to?' she giggled.

'You'll see, just follow my lead and no peeking' he cautioned.

Simon led her through to the dining area and led her to sit down. 'it smells delicious, I'm so hungry' she said, feeling excited at Simon wanting to surprise her.

When he was done, he gently removed the blindfold. Cassie gasped. Simon had set the table with flowers and candles and had cooked a full meal along with serving a bottle of wine. Feeling a little overwhelmed, Cassie grinned at him 'it looks amazing' she whispered. Sitting close together, they ate their meal with the low light of the candle making the cabin feel really cosy. Cassie didn't really drink often, so even with one glass of wine, she started to feel a little giddy and her cheeks become rosy.

Simon admired how lovely she looked in the candlelight. Feeling emboldened by the atmosphere and the wine, he gently held her hand, bringing it up to his mouth and placing a soft kiss on her knuckles, causing her to giggle. 'I think you're absolutely amazing love, there's no-one else I'd rather cook dinner for'.

Cassie was blushing and feeling very giggly, but god she was loving this. Simon was being so sweet and gentle. 'I have a surprise for you' he whispered. 

Cassie was taken aback 'I thought this was the surprise', she commented. 

Asking her to put the blindfold on again, she looked at him nervously but with full trust, followed his instructions to go with him outside. She could feel him carefully leading her through the garden, telling her when to mind her step. She couldn't imagine what kind of surprise he would have for her.

Coming to a stop, Simon asked Cassie to remove her blindfold. Blinking several times to adjust to the difference in light, Cassie suddenly squealed in delight. There was a wooden love seat at the edge of her garden with a trellis arch reaching over. On either side of the trellis was a planter with what looked like climbing roses. Cassie was stunned.

Turning to Simon, she gasped 'you did all this today, for me?' she said before flinging her arms around him. Simon put his arms around her and squeezed her closer to him, kissing the top of her head.

'You like it sweetheart?, He asked gently.

Cassie had started crying softly 'Like it? I love it, it's so beautiful, I can't believe you did all this for me'.

Leaning back so he could look at her, Simon gently wiped the tears from her cheek, before leading her to sit.

'I wanted you to have something special for your garden and now you'll be able to sit and relax and enjoy all your hard work'. He said quietly.

Looking up at him, Cassie smiled and reached up to hug him tightly. 'this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, I love it so much, thank you' she said breathing deeply trying not to cry again.

As it got darker, the two returned to the cabin and cleaned up after dinner, before settling down on the sofa. Not much was said between the two, they were just so content to relax together and enjoy each others presence. As usual, it didn't take Cassie long to fall asleep, Simon glancing down that the woman, enjoying watching her peaceful features in the glow of the wood-burner. Soon after, he gently picked her up, and carried her through to the bedroom.

Cassie woke up as he laid her on the bed. 'Oops, sorry' she giggled quietly at having fallen asleep on him again.

Simon chuckled, 'it's becoming a bit of a habit love', he teased. Before adding 'and I don't mind one bit'.

Getting ready for bed, the two snuggled under the covers, Cassie falling back asleep quickly. Simon lay for a while feeling satisfied and extremely happy that his efforts had brought the results he'd desired. Cassie had enjoyed her day and had been so happy with Simon's attempt at being romantic. Sighing to himself, he thought 'maybe I can do this after all'.


Simon's seemingly peaceful sleep was disturbed by a nightmare, where he was back in the prison dungeon again. Watching helplessly as the abuse and degradation played out, feeling helpless to stop the events unfolding. The familiar feelings of anger, shame and despair gripped him as he relived the brutality of the men in the room, hearing their laughter and mocking. Struggling to look up from his bounds, he saw Cassie again sitting watching the abuse unfold. 

This time, there was no look of disgust or horror on her face. She was sobbing, her face drawn with sadness. He tried to frantically call out to her to tell her to look away, but she sat still in her chair. 

Then she spoke, her voice filled with sadness, tears streaming down her face 'you'll never want me'. 

Simon cried out to her 'I do, I do'. He watched, helpless as Cassie stood up, glancing at him, before walking out of the room. Simon cried 'no, don't go, don't leave me, I do want you, I do'. Simon jolted awake, yelling 'don't go, please don't go'. Jumping up and crying in despair.

Cassie was awoken by Simon tossing and turning. He was having a nightmare. Cautiously, she got out of bed and walked round to his side. He jumped up suddenly yelling 'don't go, please don't go', and buried his head in his hands, sobbing. Cassie started calling to him as she had done before, reminding him of where he was and asking for him to give her his hand. He responded much more quickly than he had done previously, acting almost relived to see her.

He grabbed her and held her tightly, whispering 'don't go' over and over again. Cassie spoke softly reassuring him 'Simon, I'm not going anywhere, I promise'. 

They held onto each other for some time, Simon's breathing gradually slowing to normal, his shaking slowly stopping. Coaxing him to lie down, she whispered 'c'mon, lets get back into bed, lets get some sleep'. Simon followed, holding her closely to him, not wanting to let her go. Cassie ran her fingers through his hair, gently massaging his scalp until the two of them fell asleep.

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