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Gaz and Worm served up dinner, just as Soap entered the dining area. He nodded at everyone's greetings but sat down quietly and started to eat with a frown on his face. 

Worm was listening to Ghost and Price talking about the mission, but was watching curiously as Gaz whispered something to Soap. Soap looked up with a serious expression 'I didnae know Gaz, shut it' he said loudly, causing everyone to look at him.

Gaz was laughing, Worm chuckled to herself. Ghost and Price glanced between the three, with interest, realising what was going on. 

Gaz chose this moment to loudly tell Soap 'You were messing with Ghost's wife, Soap, you tosser'.

The colour drained from Soap's face as he looked up at Ghost in horror. Price was trying hard not to laugh. Worm covered her face trying to hide her own laughter. Ghost was glaring at Soap and Milo, who had picked up on his master's mood, started growling.

'I didnae know, LT, I swear. I woudnae huv if I knew, Fuck. Worm tell him, I wis jist messin' Soap pleaded looking at her as she was trying to keep a straight face.

Gaz decided to stir the pot by suggesting 'Ghost you should get Soap in the training ring. Then he can see who his competition is', Gaz said laughing at Soap glaring at him in shock.

Price stepped in 'Gaz, stop stirring shit, no-one's going in the ring' he said bluntly.

Worm decided to take pity on Soap 'It's okay Soap. There wasn't any harm done. Ghost isn't going to do anything to you, are you Ghost?' She said turning to face the stern look in her husband's eyes.

Ghost glanced at her and gave her a slight wink before turning to Soap 'I'll think about it' he growled. 

Soap gathered himself and thinking quickly, changed the subject to ask about Milo. The room was soon filled with relaxed, friendly conversation as they finished their meal.

Price was washing up, so Worm offered to help. Ghost asked Soap to join him and Milo outside for a walk, but winked at Worm before he left. They returned an hour later, Soap unharmed and grinning, joining them sitting in the mess hall. Soap happily played with Milo on the floor while Ghost, Price, Gaz and Worm chatted about future contracts.

Ghost took Milo for another walk as everyone said their goodnights. Worm headed up to their room to settle for the night. Ghost and Milo soon joined her, with Milo going straight to his bed.

Once Ghost had got himself ready, he looked at Worm snuggled up in bed 'Shift up love' he ordered.

Worm protested 'Bed's not big enough for your lanky ass. Yours is over there' she chuckled as he gave her his best glare.

Worm relented and Ghost got in beside her, grabbing her around her waist, bringing her close to him and tucking her head into the crook of his neck. 'You and Soap okay then?' Worm mumbled, kissing his neck.

Ghost's laugh rumbled through his chest 'Yeah, he kept apologising till I told him to shut it. Had a good talk' he whispered relaxing into the embrace.

'Was it okay being back on base with the guys?' Worm asked concerned if Ghost was having any regrets about leaving.

'Yeah, it was great to see them all. See they're all good' he whispered sleepily.

'Do you have any regrets leaving?' Worm asked deciding just to clear her worry.

'Hmmmm, a bit at first, but......looking at you and knowing I get to go home with you......I don't regret my decision. I'm where I wanna be, love', he whispered kissing her temple.


The next day, after breakfast, Worm, Ghost and Milo readied themselves for the drive back home. Gaz gave Worm a strong hug, wishing her well and gave Ghost a friendly slap on the back. 

Soap hugged Worm before turning to Ghost, 'Still cannae believe, a wee cheerful lass like Worm, fell for your grumpy arse, LT',  he said playfully punching his arm.

Ghost glared at him before growling 'Watch your mouth Soap'.

Soap laughed at his warning but added 'You make sure ye look after this wee gem of a lassie'.

'Intend to' Ghost responded gruffly.

Price gave Worm a big hug 'Don't you be a stranger now Worm. I'll be looking forward to calling on you both again for backup'. He said sincerely.

'Look forward to hearing from you sir' Worm responded with a smile.

Price patted Ghost on the back 'Keep in touch, son. Let me know how you're both getting on and let me know if you ever need anything, yeah?' he said with fatherly warmth.

'Will do, Price' Ghost said nodding.


Finally back home after the long drive, Cassie and Simon made a quick dinner before taking Milo on an evening walk around the property. 

Grabbing hot drinks, they sat and relaxed on the porch together. It was a chilly, clear night, so Simon draped a blanket around Cassie's shoulders. Cassie started fussing and re-arranged the blanket around his shoulder too, pulling him closer to her.

They sat watching the stars, drinking their hot drinks as Milo sat happily chewing on his favourite toy in front of them. Simon kissed her temple and murmured 'You happy, love?'

'Yes, very happy. Are you happy, Grizzly bear?' Cassie asked with a smile.

'Never been happier, Little Worm' Simon responded, squeezing her waist.

'You're not going to get bored and restless here with me, are you? You worked with Price for such a long time, then after seeing the guys again?' Cassie asked with genuine concern.

'Bored and restless, Love? When have you ever let me get bored and restless?' he asked chuckling.

'Asshole' Cassie said bumping his shoulder with her head. 'You know what I mean', she protested.

'No, love. Got more than enough to keep me going with getting the kennels built and starting some training, going hunting, fishing, hiking, helping you with the garden and contracts. I'll keep in touch with the guys and if we do more back up work, it'll still feel like I'm working with them' he said honestly.

Simon pondered his own words and Cassie's question further. He pulled Cassie tighter to his body and kissed the top of her head. He looked at Milo contentedly chewing and playing with his toy, then out at the clear night sky. 

Thinking back to what seemed like years ago, Simon remembered Cassie once talking about seeing her family in the stars.

Pinpointing the stars on Ursula Minor, he quietly named them; Mum, Beth, Tommy, Joseph..... and even Dad. They were his family, though dysfunctional and chaotic, and he missed them dearly. He imagined them all in the stars, finally at rest. 

Simon reflected on the years of pain, trauma and hardship he had faced, the years of service to the military. Fighting for revenge, meeting Shepherd and Price, working with the Task Force to clean the world of the evil bastards that brought pain and suffering.

Glancing down at the lovely woman, snuggled in his arms, his wife. His life now had a different purpose, one that he never imagined he'd have the chance of again. 

Simon Riley had a family and a home. 

It was time for Simon Riley to finally rest and be at peace.


The End

Thank you so much for coming with me on this epic journey with Cassie and Simon and for all the positive comments and support in publishing my first story. 

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