Bloodlust 5

768 18 22

Happy Harry Day to all who celebrate 🥹🎉🎂

18+ only

Word Count: 5,090


  Pure, unadulterated agony rips through my system, and before I can even scream, my eyes flip open, and I'm gasping dramatically.

"No, no, no," I panic, rubbing at my teeth. "Did you change me?"

Harry is at my side, eyes wide with worry. "Addie, breathe."

"Did you change me?!" I scream, looking to Roman as well. "Please don't tell me that—"

"No," Harry replies firmly. "Just gave you venom to heal you."

"And it fucking worked," Roman mutters, looking concerned. "Are you in pain?"

I pant, shaking my head. "Not anymore, no. It felt like I was going to explode, though. It was like my bones were becoming too big for my skin." My hand presses to my neck, feeling that the wounds from their fangs are gone. "Jesus."

"He had absolutely nothing to do with it," Harry smirks. "Are you okay, Adelaide? Please, tell me what you feel." His face is immediately serious again.

"I feel—fine. Like, one hundred percent fine. I'm still a little woozy from the blood loss, I think."

His face hardens. "We can't do that again. That was too dangerous."

My face warms. "I enjoyed it, though."

"No," Harry tells me sternly. "Never again. Not unless I'm turning you."

"What if it was just one at a time instead of together?"

Roman laughs and Harry shoots him a look of disapproval with a scowl.

"You almost fucking died," Harry scoffs. "This bond is making you mental."

I roll my eyes. "Fate is fake, Harry. The bond isn't real."

He sighs heavily. "Don't make me prove it to you again."

My body struggles to sit upright, my head feeling swimmy as I attempt to keep my posture straight. Harry and Roman immediately both grab an arm, holding me tightly.

"You need blood," Harry says, his eyes on mine.

"From where?"


I shake my head firmly. "No. That'll bind us forever according to you. My blood is already in your system. I'm not trying to get soul-married right now."

"Take mine," Roman shrugs. "It'll help you, and we aren't fated, so nothing will come of it."

Harry shakes his head. "No. I don't like that, Roman."

"What? Why?" I ask him. "What's wrong with it?"

"Giving your blood to a human is—intimate."

Roman laughs. "Please don't tell me you're jealous right now. We're literally still naked from the shower."

Harry shifts, his gaze elsewhere. "I'd rather give her a blood bag from the hospital."

"You know upir blood is stronger, Harry," Roman replies. "But it's your choice. She's your mate."

Harry's green eyes shift to me, an apprehensive nature to them. "What do you want? You choose."

The thought of ingesting any blood surprisingly doesn't make me feel sick. It's like my body needs it, and I'm more than willing to comply. Harry's apparent unease with me taking Roman's makes a guilt swell in my chest, and I know that I can't hurt him like that. It would hurt me, too.

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