Arranged 5 **

2.5K 26 18

Tw: Almost all of this is smut. TWs in the first chapter 💕 ENJOYYYY

Word Count: 7,000


  There's a warmth on my chest that I feel before I even open my eyes, and all I know is I want more of it. My arm pulls it closer to me, a happiness filling me and diminishing any worry I might've had. I can't think of a single one in this moment.

I peer down to see the top of Lenora's head, and a gentle snore coming from her. For a minute I'm confused, but I quickly remember everything about last night. Our playful exchanges at dinner, our conversation in the car, the way we were kissing in bed, and our discussion after I stopped it.

Of course I want to see where this goes with her, but I can't. I would never want her to get sucked into more family drama, when she already has so much of her own.

I can't believe she has a daughter. Terry mentioning a child last night makes sense now. It confused me, but I didn't think anything of it. I figured he was just drunk and mistaken, but Lenora's parents were talking about Sienna.

Why do they fail to mention their actual daughter? What possible reason do they have for acting ashamed that she's theirs? The fact that she had a child at sixteen? Please. If that's their only reason for being such jackasses to her, then they truly deserve to rot in hell. No parent should ever be ashamed of their child.

Reluctantly, I move Lenora off of me, giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead before I slide slowly out of bed, being sure that she stays asleep once I'm gone.

I should get a head start on her contract to see what's in there that she's missing. I'm sure her parents had their lawyers word everything specifically so that it made it difficult to understand. I've done the tactic myself for clients before, so I would know.

I feel a bit odd rummaging through her things, but I figure the contract will be in her carry-on bag. As quietly as I can, I head into the closet and unzip it, seeing the contract beneath a few of her things. It's a hefty fucker; another tactic used for intimidation. Most of these pages are probably just introductions and over-explained nonsense just to fill up space to make it seem more daunting. Another strategy I've used myself.

Closing the bedroom door quietly behind myself, I toss the contract onto the dining room table, starting a pot of coffee before heading back over to read it.

It starts with introductions, naming the dependent, Sienna, as well as all parties involved. I just want to know how a judge spun this into giving them sole custody. Even though she was sixteen, she still had full legal custody of Sienna unless she gave it up to her parents, which she didn't.

My eyes continue to scan through the contract, flipping a few pages to see where the terms of it finally begin. The contract says that since Lenora signed custody over to her parents, she no longer has any rights to Sienna.

When the fuck did she sign? There's no way she would've done that.

There's more bullshit terms for me to read, one of them being that after the year marriage, Sienna can legally be Lenora's, but only if she already owns a household for them to live in. They expect her to buy a house in California on a lifeguard's wages?! It's almost like they don't want Sienna to have her mother.

The marriage must be to me and only me, nobody else, and Lenora must stay with me at my inherited property until the end of the allotted length of our marriage. Wait, how the hell did her parents know about the property enough to put it in the contract?

It says in both contracts that no other party is allowed to know of the specific terms, except for those listed in either contract. So, Sienna, Lenora, and her parents are the only four who are allowed to know about hers. And my parents, me and Lenora, are the only ones allowed to know about the details of mine. It was discussed at the lunch, but Lenora's contact was already signed when they were discussing it.

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