One Shot: Mother

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Tw: None really other than being bullied by a Mother in Law and mention of death of a loved one. No smut! Just Harry being a dope ass husband.

Word Count: 1,950


  I'm dreading tonight. Harry and I are having dinner with his family, and I'm just not in the mood to be ridiculed.

I've known his mom for almost seven years now, but I know that deep down, I've never been good enough for her. She's hated me since the beginning and I'm not sure why. I've always tried to be a good daughter in law to her, and before we were married, just someone she'd be happy to have her son with.

"Nearly ready, baby?" Harry calls from the bathroom.

"Yeah," I reply solemnly.

Since we're going somewhere nice tonight, I've decided to wear my maroon velvet dress with nude heels. My hair is straightened and I've done my makeup as nice as possible. I just want to feel pretty for once. It's a rarity that I do.

"Wow," I hear from behind me, turning to see Harry dressed in a nice navy blue suit. "You look beautiful."

I beam at him half-heartedly, my anxiety causing my heart to race. "Thank you."

His brows furrow with concern, his beautiful green eyes softening. "What's the matter?"

My face splits into a fake smile. "Nothing. Just hungry is all. Ready to go?"

He nods, clearly not believing my answer to him.

I check myself one last time in the mirror, hoping that there's no issues with her tonight.

Her husband, Harry's step-dad, recently passed away. I've been trying to get closer to her; trying to comfort her in this hard time. So, I've made a small batch of her favorite dessert. Snickerdoodles. I grab the little to-go container of cookies before we leave, walking to the car as Harry locks the house behind us.

The closer we approach to the restaurant, the more my anxiousness climbs. My leg is bouncing relentlessly, Harry instantly taking notice.

"What's got you so worked up, Arya? There's clearly something bothering you."

"It really is nothing. I think I just had too much coffee today so it has me all jittery and anxious." I place my hand on his thigh and give him a reassuring squeeze.

He turns his eyes back to the road, still not seeming convinced with my lies.

Harry knows me better than anybody in this world. We've been together for almost seven years, and married for close to three. He's my soulmate, best friend, and the most amazing man I've ever met. I have no idea how he came from the fucking other mother from Coraline.

I've expressed the things she's said to me in the past, and he's always made us talk it through because he doesn't want us to not get along, but it never sticks. We'll be good for a month or two, and then she will say something out of nowhere that is so insulting for no reason.

His mom has this funny way of talking her way out of things to make it seem like she didn't understand what was really going on.

It's like the time when I specifically said no pictures at our wedding ceremony, and she decided to take a video. She tried to act aloof and say 'you said no pictures, I didn't know you meant no video.'

Harry is one hell of a man, otherwise I wouldn't have put up with a manipulative cunt for so long.

I've decided to stop telling him the things that she does that bother me because at the end of the day, it's his mom. Regardless of how draining and tiring it is for me and my mental health, I'd rather have a happy husband than one that is constantly having to breakup the bickering me and his mom do.

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