Arranged 6

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Word count: 3,000


It's been a week since Lenora has been in my bed, spoken to me, or even looked in my direction. I've tried talking to her, but she only walks away and disappears into her room. It kills me to know that she hates me, but truthfully she has every right. The things I said were uncalled for and I was wrong.

Desperately do I want her to just hear me out and let me apologize, but she won't. I've laid awake late every night thinking of what to say to fix things, then realize that no matter what I can tell her, she won't care.

It's after nine in the morning, and the hearing is at ten. I'm already ready for it, dressed in my nice black suit that I always wear when representing a client. I've ditched the jewelry, of course. It doesn't make me look professional to be so flashy in a court room, even if I feel naked without it on.

I'm sitting at the kitchen island drinking coffee, scrolling through the news app on my phone when I hear heels clicking down the stairs. My heart races in my chest as I look towards the sound, almost holding my breath until I see Lenora.

She looks stunning. She's in the same red dress she wore when I met her for the very first time at the country club, along with the black heels she had on at Azure; part of the outfit I picked out for her. Her hair is straightened, and her makeup is very lightly done. She is truly breathtaking.

"Good morning," I say quietly, expecting the silent treatment.

"Morning," she says back, the sweet gentleness of her voice sending me spiraling.

I figure that now is my chance. "Lenora, please let me say how sorry—"

"No," she shakes her head, her body disappearing behind the fridge door. "I'm not talking about that."

"Please, I just—"

"No," she answers firmly, her eyes meeting mine for the first time in what feels like ages. "Tell me what I need to do for the hearing."

I'm just so happy to hear her voice, even if she's angry. I nod, clearing my throat as I set my phone down.

"Speak the truth if asked to speak. Nothing that you've ever done is illegal. I've gathered some more evidence for you. I had a copy made of the document that says you're giving Sienna to your parents, and compared it to the copy of your signature on my contract. It was reviewed and deemed a forgery."

Lenora nods, her brows furrowing angrily as she looks away. "Good. Anything else?"

"Just let me do a lot of the talking, and I'll advise you if you need to speak."

"I don't even want to tell you, but you're the only person I have to talk to." Her velvety chocolate eyes meet mine. "I'm terrified."

"Hey," I say gently, wanting to wrap her into a tight hug, but instead stay seated where I am, "there's no way they're winning this today. I promise you."

Lenora nods. "If I win, I'll live here to fulfill your contact and I'll keep Sienna away. She won't bother you."

"She could never bother me."

"And I've already been applying to apartment complexes in Sacramento. There's a ton that I can afford there."

I swallow hard. "Sacramento. That's—far."

She arches a brow at me, crossing her arms. "And?"

Deciding to drop the situation due to the rising anger in her body language, I shake my head, sipping my coffee. She sits across from me at the island with a glass of orange juice, rubbing her fingers against the cold glass as she zones out at the beverage.

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