Best Friend 4 **

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Word Count: 7,090
TW: SMUTTTTT, pretty much the same warnings as the previous chapter


"Anna, wake up!" a voice urges me from my sleep.

"Hm?" My eyes squint open, seeing the blonde top bun of Lucy standing in my doorway.

"It's almost noon and you have a visitor." Lucy crosses her arms. "Why don't you just tell Jack how much you hate parties if it just makes you sleep all day?"

I sit up in bed, rubbing my eyes as I shrug. "It's not worth the argument, honestly. He doesn't let me drink when I'm there, either."

"What?! When did that start?"


"What a dick."

My feet push off my carpeted floors as I saunter to my bedroom door, passing Lucy and seeing an empty living room. "I thought you said I had a visitor?"

"He's waiting outside."

I swallow as my heart leaps into my chest. What is Harry doing here? I swing the door open and my smile fades into disappointment, seeing Jack.

"Good morning, beautiful," he coos as he gestures me outside.

I close my apartment door behind me. "What's going on? Why are you here?"

"There's some things I wanted to talk to you about, and I didn't really want Lucy eavesdropping. Want to go for coffee?"

"Sure. Just let me get changed. You can come inside."

"It's okay. I'll wait for you in the car."

My breathing increases as I think of every possible thing that he could want to talk to me about. Does he know about what Harry and I did last night? Did someone see us? Did someone see me in my car?

I'm panicking as I look around my room for my jean shorts, finally finding them and sliding them on as well as a white tank top. I fix my brown nest of hair on top of my head into a tighter, but still messy, bun.

The weather is surprisingly sunny today, but I can see there are storm clouds accumulating in the distance as I walk toward Jack's car. I get in the passenger seat and he leans over to kiss me sweetly on the lips.

His drastic change in attitude is nearly enough to give me whiplash.

"You're in a good mood today," I smile awkwardly, buckling myself in.

"Well, why wouldn't I be?"

My mouth falls slightly as I gaze down at my hands that are resting in my lap. "You seem so sick of me lately. You won't let me drink, and you make a huge scene when I don't want to sleep with you. Why would I sleep with you if you treat me that way?"

Jack reaches his hand over and places it on my thigh as he drives with the other. "I've been doing some thinking. I know that me controlling your drinking isn't ideal for you, but I meant it when I said you embarrass me. You're so loud and you curse. It's not how a woman behaves."

I refrain from tossing him a death glare. Who the fuck does he think he is? I stay quiet as he continues with his polite rant.

"I think I've come to realize that you have feelings for me; strong feelings." He briefly looks over at me. "Do you?"

Honestly, my feelings have dwindled a bit since I've gotten closer to Harry. I hate to admit that there's still some there. We just went through so much. I trust him. Well, trusted him, I guess.

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