Slow Burn 4

751 13 4

Word Count: 4,880


  The business is slow today, as it usually is on Wednesdays. My glazed, tired eyes slowly sweep over to the time on the wall to see that it's nearly one o'clock. I sigh outwardly, my own boredom consuming me from the inside out.

My body straightens as the bell above our store door dings, instantly being filled with a bit of disappointment when the person who enters isn't Harry. I know I just saw him on Friday, but I want to see him again. He's all I can fucking think about.

"Hi. Welcome," my voice chirps happily. "What can I make for you today?"

The gruff old man grumbles his order at me. It's almost like he's purposefully trying to be as rude as possible to me. I've been able to handle the customers and their condescending behaviors with ease ever since Harry. I'm just overall happier with him in my life. Is that ridiculous?

After my shift, I drive over to the fire station, hoping and praying that Harry is there and not out, well, fighting a fire. It's about eight when I pull up, grabbing the sub I made for him off my passenger seat.

I'm not sure what Harry and I are, but it's nothing official, I know that much. We're taking things very slow, which I enjoy. But I just wanted to bring him some food so that he can have dinner tonight. I remember him telling me last week that some nights he's too tired to eat after work. I'd hate for him to just be famished until the morning.

Walking up to the open garage once again, I walk past the large fire truck, gazing up at its glossy red sheen as I grip the sub in my hand.

"Alina, right?" a voice asks.

My head turns to my left, seeing a tall, tan, muscular, blond man with brown eyes. "Oh, yes. I'm sorry, I don't think we've met."

"We haven't," he chuckles, flashing gorgeously white teeth. "I've just heard about you. I'm Julius." He extends his large hand towards me and I take it, noticing that he has a tattoo on the top of his wrist.

"Heard about me? From who?"

"A few of the guys, but mostly Harry."

A grin spreads across my face. "And is Harry here?"

"Yeah, he's just doing an inventory check. I'll tell him you're here."

"Thank you," I nod, turning back to the fire truck as he leaves.

There's all sorts of small, minute scratches along the side of the truck, but they've been so well-buffed that you can only see them when the light hits them just right. My mind begins to wander, thinking of how many fires this truck has put out. I wonder how many Harry has put out.

His job is dangerous, yes, but he seems to find it really rewarding. I love that he loves to make people feel safe. To me, that's incredibly admirable of him. How did I find someone like him, honestly?

Arms suddenly wrap around me from behind, making me shriek and jump. I immediately hear laughing, knowing that it's Harry's playful boyish chuckle.

"Hey, you," he says as he kisses the side of my head. "Ooo, brought me dinner?"

He releases me and I spin around, beaming up at him. "I did. I made you something a little different this time, though. No black olives, I promise"

Harry laughs, taking the sandwich from my extended hands. "Thank you. It's very sweet of you to come down here and bring me food."

"Well, I mean, you've paid me several visits to the store. I thought it was only fair."

"You know what? You're right. I was wondering when you'd catch on to that."

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