Dom Like Me 4 **

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Word Count: 7,500+
TW: Read part 1 tw! No sex in this, just some sexual content, so I'm classifying it as smut.


My brows knit together as I stare at him with confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. I still want you and you're off fucking another random guy? How desperate are you?"

"I'm not desperate," I stammer. "You don't love me anymore."

"That's not true, Mia, and you know it! I'm here practically on my knees for you, and you're living with someone else? I have never been unfaithful to you."

Guilt swells in my chest, my hand reaching out to stroke Nathan's face. "I'm so sorry."

He swats my hand away. "Don't."

I shoot up in bed, my heart racing and sweat lining my entire body. My watch tells me my heart rate is 120 and climbing. Harry is sleeping with his back to me as I gaze down at him.

My chest heaves as I try to calm myself down, putting a hand over it as I breathe in and out slowly.

Obviously the guilt of cheating on Nathan is getting to me if I'm dreaming of him. I have to end it officially myself. I can't keep feeling guilty for trying to move on from someone who deeply hurt me.

Harry turns, his eyes opening once he sees me sitting up beside him. "Hey," he says gently. "What's wrong?" He wraps his arm around me. "God, you're sweaty."

"Bad dream," my voice wavers. I'm on the verge of tears and I can't even explain to him why.

Harry leans over me and turns on the bedside lamp on my side, wrapping me in his arms as he lays my head on his chest. He begins singing to me, and my sporadic breathing calms to listen. The song coming out of him is Dancing Queen by ABBA, and it makes me beam against him.

His voice is heavenly, especially for just waking up. I can't help but have my heart flutter in my chest at his gesture and talent. I'd be perfectly fine with him singing to me every single night.

When he's finished, I lift my head to look at him. "Why ABBA?"

He chuckles, placing a soft kiss against my forehead. "I have no idea. It was the first thing that came to my mind."

"I loved it. Thank you, Harry. You're a lovely singer."

His cheeks are slightly reddened as his lips part, showing me those lovely teeth of his. "Thank you. Maybe if you're ever in subspace I can bring you back by singing."

I raise my brows. "What is subspace?"

"It's when we're in a scene together, and you almost have a drunk or high feeling from euphoria. All the pain you feel vanishes, all your problems disappear, and all you feel is joy and bliss."

"It sounds intense."

"It is, but not everyone experiences it; just like not every woman is capable of squirting."

I clear my throat. "I have, but only I think three times in my last relationship, and he was the only one who made me."

Harry continues to stroke my back. "How long was your last relationship?"

My body parts from him and I get off of the bed, beginning to pace as the anxiety rises once again in my chest. "Harry, I haven't been honest with you."

He sits up, turning on the lamp on his side now, too. "About?"

"My relationship."

Harry crosses his arms, looking guarded. "Then tell me."

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