Bloodlust 2

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18+ only

Word Count: 7,890


"Did you mean to come here, of all places?" the voice beckons.

With my nightgown flowing around me, rippling in an unknown breeze, I follow the ethereal lilt. My bare feet crunch on fallen leaves that have began to die from the cold, not bothering to pay any attention to that same cold numbing my toes.

"Mom?" I call out, pushing low hanging branches away from my face in the dark forest.

"Why did you come, Addie? Was it on purpose?"

A crack in the woods; my head whipping as my heart picks up its pace at the uneasy feeling that suddenly consumes me.

"I don't know what you mean!" My head spins again, hearing another break of twigs, but closer this time. "Mom!"

"What is it about this place that makes you stay?" her voice echos.

The forest turns into a vast graveyard, a thick mist rolling around my feet and ankles, rendering me unable to see them. There's a figure in the distance, its steps approaching mine at the same pace.

"Mom?" my voice wavers, drawing nearer to the person who reflects my movement.

I stop dead in my tracks, as does she. She isn't my mom; she is—me. Her hair is longer and darker, a sly smirk on her lips, and a confidence about her that I've never seen in myself before.

"Do you stay for him?" she asks.


My twin laughs, shaking her head. "Oh, Addie. You really don't know what you're getting into, do you?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Of course you don't." Her hand reaches out and strokes my cheek gently, sending a shiver throughout me. She's freezing. "I hope you made the right choice."

"What choice?"

The doppelgänger smiles, but it isn't friendly, it's menacing—terrifying. Her eyes flip black as her mouth opens wide, blood pouring out like a waterfall. I scream and fall backwards, the ground beneath me running thick with red. Before I know it, I'm covered head to toe, calling out for help but there's no one around except

"No!" I shout, covering my eyes because I can no longer bear the sight of the demon before me. "Please! Stop!"

My body is cold, but sweating profusely as I wake up, being greeted by the light that breaks through the bedroom window curtains. I'm panting, my heart racing so fast it feels like it's going to fall from my mouth. I'm reminded of my twin's horrible smile, and the blood seeping from it.

"Jesus christ," I curse, pushing my fallen hair out of my face.

My stomach aches, moving out of bed to see that I've stained the white sheets beneath me with blood.

"Oh, fucking great."

No wonder I had a nightmare about blood, I got my fucking period in the middle of the night. Thankfully, I have a few tampons that I brought with me, but I need more. I wasn't expecting to get my lovely monthly visitor so soon.

After I use the bathroom, I undo my braid, reliving the nightmare over and over again until it makes me shiver with fear. I've never dreamt so deeply that it felt real before. Maybe it's the environment and its haunting aura that has me all worked up, but I hope to god that I don't have that every night. I can't handle that.

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