Dom Like Me 2

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Word Count: 7,500+
TW: Read previous chapter's tw!


The Twistee Treat is quiet and relatively empty as I sit at a table near the window, my front facing the door to watch for Harry.

Yesterday went by in a blur. I stayed up late last night wondering if I should even be doing this since I'm married, but how cold Nathan has been towards me, helped me make up my mind. What if I won't be married by the end of next week?

I've decided to keep him and my married life a secret from Harry. I know that we won't be moving forward with any sort of relationship, but I'm not trying to discuss my marriage woes with a stranger. I'm not overly-fond of a man I don't know seeing me blubber like an idiot in an ice cream shop.

The door to the shop dings from the above bell being pushed, and in walks Harry wearing the most unlikely outfit I would ever expect a Dom to wear. He has on light jeans that hang from his hips, white vans on his feet matching his white t-shirt, and over the shirt is a brown cardigan with two large yellow ducks facing each other from each side. On his neck rests a large blue chunky pearl necklace.

His stride is confident yet guarded, his eyes taking in the place. I realize that he still doesn't know what I look like, so I nervously stand and approach him.

"Hi." I hold out my hand to him. "I'm Mia, it's nice to meet you."

Harry's eyes are far more beautiful and intimidating in person, giving me a quick, polite look-over. "Hi." He shakes my hand, his British accent taking me by surprise. "Lovely to meet you, Mia. Are you not fond of Amelia?"

We walk to the same table I was just at, Harry sitting across from me as I do my best to be confident in his presence.

"No, I like it. Everyone just calls me Mia, but you can call me whichever."

He beams at me, flashing those teeth and dimples that I was admiring yesterday on my phone screen. "I like both. Maybe I'll use both."

I giggle. "Whatever you want."

Harry shifts in his seat, folding his hands together causing me to notice that his fingernails are painted a light yellow, and he's wearing the same plethora of rings I saw in his pictures.

"Why don't we get something to eat and then we can talk?" He stands, gesturing for me to walk in front of him.

I'm nervous to be in front of him. He's a little taller than me, probably about six foot. I didn't want to look like I was trying too hard, but I did throw on some makeup and straighten my hair. My clothes are causal, though, with just dark blue skinny jeans, some all black keds, and a baby pink blouse with puffed cap sleeves.

Harry stands beside me at the counter, gesturing me to order.

"Could I just get a regular vanilla and chocolate swirl cone, please?" I ask, my voice softer than normal.

"I'll have the dulce de leche ice cream with strawberries on top, please." Harry immediately pulls out his card, handing it to the cashier.

"Harry, you don't have to pay for me."

He smiles down at me as the woman takes his card. "It's not a problem."

My brows furrow. "Please let me pay you back."

"It's not necessary. I wouldn't have paid if it was an issue."

I roll my eyes, deciding to drop it for now. "Fine. Thank you."

"See? Was that so hard to just say thank you?"

With my eyes pinned to his, I glare, a smirk spreading my lips.

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