One Shot: Uninvited **

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Word Count: 5,900+
TW: Smut, mentions of cheating
Sorry I've been posting only smut. I'm not in a fluffy mood lately lmao. Enjoy!


  Fuck this.

I'm absolutely through with this town and everyone in it. Fuck my ex, fuck my job, fuck what little friends I had; everything and everyone.

Leaving my apartment in a blind rage, I start my car, peeling out onto the street into the pouring rain. It's nearly impossible to see anything, including the cars in front of and around me. It doesn't help that it's night time and there's absolutely no light to help me except for the hardly visible brake lights of cars.

Fury courses through my body as I try to focus on the road. My best friend fucking my ex? We've been broken up for a week. God, he was the worst, but that doesn't make it okay! We were together for three years and I'm happier without him, but my best friend? After everything I've told her about him? Everything that we've been through?

I had to find out from my ex's friend, Charlie. Apparently there was a party at his house tonight, and my best friend and ex disappeared into a room together. I just feel betrayed. Why would she do something like that to me?

My eyes flick down to the time in my car, seeing that it's almost 10, and I shake my head, gripping my steering wheel tightly as tears spring to my eyes. I have nowhere to go. I'm driving aimlessly and stupidly out of anger with no certain destination.

The thought to drive a state over to see my mom enters my mind, but in this weather, I'd probably get into an accident.

  When I'm about an hour away from home, the rain gets more aggressive, as do my emotions. All I can picture is Diana and Isaac rolling around together in a bed while they giggle with lust. Why does it make me so jealous? I've been having an easy time getting over him, but this made it take a turn for the worst.

Distracting me from my horrible thoughts, my car begins sputtering, making me just now realize that I am completely out of gas.

"Fuck!" I curse, pulling off onto the nearest street until my car completely stops.

My head rests on the steering wheel, thinking of what the hell to do. My car is dead, it's pouring, I'm an hour from home, I have no one to call. Why have I done this to myself?

I reach into my backseat, searching for an umbrella only coming to the realization that I don't have one.

"Mother fuck," I curse again, breathing out sharply.

My eyes scan around me, seeing that there's a house directly to my right that I'm parked in front of. The outside lights are on, hopefully an indication that someone is home.

Taking my keys out of the ignition, I grab my phone and stuff it into my back pocket, quickly running up to the house and taking a breath as I get to the awning above the front door. I'm soaked completely. My hair is dripping onto my shoes, and my clothes are drenched.

Shivering, I ring the doorbell, crossing my arms to try to provide myself some warmth. My skin is lined with goosebumps as the rain comes at me from the side through the screen of the awning, my jeans becoming even more wet than they already were.

After standing there for a few minutes with no answer, I walk away, completely not knowing what to do with myself. Do I just sleep in my car for the night and wait for the rain to be gone by the morning? It's not like I can call an Uber in this weather. I wouldn't want somebody to risk their life just so I can go home and sulk.

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