Rhythm 3

930 16 8

18+ only

Word Count: 6,680


  In the morning, my body is smushed up against a warm surface. My face responds by cuddling in closer, feeling an arm go around my back to hold me tightly. For a moment, I think I'm back in Rod's embrace when things were easy, before he turned into a raging lunatic. But my eyes open, and I suddenly realize where I am and who I'm with.

Niall is the one holding me, and for a brief instance I'm confused, then the deal we made last night comes rushing back to my mind. Oh, yeah. This is going to be fun getting back at Harry for being such an asshole.

"Good morning," Niall says with his groggy Irish accent. "How'd you sleep?"

"Honestly don't even remember falling asleep, so I'm going to say good."

He chuckles, my neck craning back to look at his face. "You still sure you want to do this?"

I nod. "Definitely. Are you?"

"Of course. It's about time someone gives Harry back what he gives out. All of that attitude just because he wants to sleep with you? Christ."

The bedroom door to the left of us swings open, and I quickly drape my leg over Niall's, my thigh resting across his. My nose buries itself into his neck, pulling myself even closer to his body. No words are said from Harry, if he even saw us. Instead, I hear a coffee pot beeping in the kitchen.

I give Niall a toss of my eyes before I get up, stretching and letting out a little yawn. Truthfully, I did sleep well, and I'm surprised I did since I was on a couch with another person. It was definitely the alcohol that lulled me to sleep.

Niall stands off the couch, throwing his arm over my shoulder and draping his hand down to my collar bone. I reach my hand up and intertwine our fingers, both of us in a fit of overplayed giggling as we walk into the kitchen.

Harry is standing there with his arms crossed against his bare, tattooed torso, eyeing us with intense scrutiny.

"Oh," I pretend to be caught off guard, "good morning, Harry." Niall kisses my forehead. "How'd you sleep?"

He doesn't answer me, only turns around and watches his coffee brew. The smell fills the air, making me inhale deeply and let out a content sigh. The time on the oven displays 7:30am. Shit. I have to get home.

"Could you give me a ride back to my car? I need to go home and get my things for tour," I ask Niall.

"Yeah, of course. Louis drove there last night, so maybe he should tag along."

"Oh, sure," I beam, my eyes briefly flicking over to Harry's back. "And thank you for last night, by the way," I keep my voice low. "It was—god, I can't even put it into words."

Niall stifles a laugh, keeping up with my innuendo as he chuckles lowly. "You had a lot of words for me last night."

I giggle, both of us glancing over to Harry who is still turned away from us. "Niall, stop it!" I tease, lightly smacking his arm. "Let me get my things together and then we can go?"

"Of course, y/n."

Harry finally whips around, a cup of black coffee in his hand that still has a few rings decorating it. "I'd love to tag along, thank you for asking."

My eyes briefly flicker to the butterfly tattoo on his defined abdomen. "Why do you want to come?"

He smirks. "I just want to watch you guys play up this charade for as long as possible."

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