Bloodlust 4 **

1.5K 25 19

18+ only

Word Count: 8,700

Tw: knife/razor/blood play. YIKES sorry

Don't mind all the sex in this chapter, I was having fun, sorry 🤪


  My body stirs in the vast bed, groaning slightly as the agony from last night's rendezvous comes to haunt me. My throat aches, and I'm so sore everywhere below my waist, that I doubt it'll be easy to walk today.

I feel a shifting beside me, smiling as I turn around to see a sleepy Harry with messy brown curls. He beams gently at me, wrapping his arm around my midsection to pull me flat against his bare chest.

"What are you doing all the way over there?" he asks with a grin, kissing me gently. "Good morning, Addie darling."

I beam, peering up into his green eyes. "Good morning." My gaze floats down, seeing that he's clothed on his bottom half. "Why do you have sweatpants on?"

He chuckles, running his nose along mine. "Didn't want to get rid of a body naked."

"Oh," I swallow, the image of a dying Sam flashing in my mind. What the hell possessed me to enjoy that?

"What?" Harry asks with a raised brow.

"Do you still think I lack confidence?" I glare.

He laughs out loud, causing me to join him. "Is that why you did the painting?"

"Damn right."

Harry kisses me gently. "Aw, did I get under this pretty skin of yours?" His lips trail to my neck.

I groan slightly, beaming like a fool. "Yeah you did, asshole."

He laughs, nipping at my shoulder. "I'm sorry, Adelaide. Only a woman with confidence can get fucked by two men while her ex watches."

My entrance clenches, the memory making me ache. "I had fun."

"I can tell from the way you passed out," he teases, gazing down at me. "You're sore, aren't you?"

"Terribly," I admit, my cheeks reddening. "But I don't mind."

Harry rolls on top of me, pinning me to the bed. "Can you handle more?"

"Yes," I breathe, feeling winded from seeing him above me.

He smiles wide, leaning down and kissing me tenderly, his tongue easing around mine. My hands rake up his strong back, groaning into his mouth as I thrust my hips up to meet his.

"I'm glad you're as insatiable as me," Harry beams, his gaze fiery. "But I don't want to hurt you. I promised I never would."

My cheeks redden as I bashfully say, "It's a good hurt."

He laughs, kissing me briefly. "Heal, baby." He climbs out of bed.

I sit up, practically pouting. "What happened to the man who tied me up last night? The one who wanted to wreck me?"

Harry chuckles, turning to me as he slides on his button up shirt. "There's my brat."

My eyes drift down his firm body, licking my lips as I'm reminded of all the talk of our matching tattoos. My curious mind needs to know now that it's not too fucked-out to think properly.

"Are you going to tell me why you and Roman keep mentioning my tattoo? What does it mean that ours match?"

Harry's eyes drift away from mine as he disappears into his massive walk-in closet. "Later," he says.

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