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I woke to the sound of thumping.



I examined my whole room, trying to see where the sound was coming from. After a minute or so, it stopped. I waited a couple seconds then turned around and fell back asleep.



I jumped out of my bed and turned on the light. The sound kept going in a pattern.




I slid out of the room and straight to the sound. It led me to my mother's door that was opened just a crack. I peeked in and caught a glimpse of what looked like duck tape over my mom's mouth and chains on her wrist.

I burst through the doors and made my way to her bed. "Mommy, you okay?" I yelled before I froze. My eyes widened and a blush crossed my face as I realized what was going on. Shawn, my mother's 'co-worker' was on top of her.

They were, thankfully, covered with blankets but I was pretty sure I knew what was going on. They both stopped and looked at me with guilty expressions, the moment was all too weird. Before either of them could say anything, I slid out of the room, suppressing a laugh.

I heard my mother mumbling something about the headboard breaking, though it was mostly incoherent because of the duck tape. Tears filled my eyes, as I laughed uncontrollably. Who knew my mother was a freak.

I jumped back into my bed and looked at the clock, 3:44. I was thinking of whether I should go back to sleep or not when I heard some more thump thump's. I laughed, grabbing my phone to text Jaylon then realized we weren't on good terms.

I slid the phone back and sighed.

I laid back and looked at the ceiling.

I just don't want to lose him. He was my first everything and I really have deep feelings for him. Why was he always fucking up? First he cheats, then his exes came at me, and now he hits me? Why am I always getting hurt by him.

I remembered what Diamond said earlier, "Love doesn't hurt." And she was right. I promised myself then and there, if anything like it happened again, we'd be going our separate ways, whether I loved him or not. I'm so sick of being mistreated, I know I don't deserve that.

Thoughts of me and Jaylon being separate brung tears to my eyes, I couldn't bare the thought. I flipped over and tried to get some more sleep in.


When I woke up, I looked at the clock. 7:13. I sighed and slid out of the bed, placing my feet inside of my fluffy bunny slippers. I paddled to the bathroom and looked at my reflection. The bruise on my cheek was still noticeable.

I sighed as my eyes watered, but I refused to let any tears fall. I sucked it up, grabbed some under clothes and jumped into the shower. I scrubbed my body all over, letting the hot water soothe all of my frustrations away.

When I finished, I gripped the towel and placed it firmly around my figure. I made my way over to my sink and pulled out my Dove soap. I scrubbed my face quickly, rinsed, dried then moisturized.

After I finished, I patted my face down with a dry towel and dug in my makeup bag. Lately, I haven't used makeup, I've been keeping it natural, but I didn't want to go to school with a visible bruise on my face so I decided to use a little.

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