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When I woke up I thought about telling my mom about the pregnancy so I could get it over with. I decided to, because for one, I was starting to get morning sickness and I knew she'd hear it soon.

I slowly walked out of the bed, I walked down stairs to see if she was still here cause usually she would be gone by now. I looked in the living room, then kitchen. I found her sitting down, eating her cereal.

I looked at her then turned away, I took a small peek at her face and saw she had her mad face on. I don't know what pissed her off already but I do know whatever I say now will seriously throw her off of the edge.

I looked back at her, "Ma..." I started. "Yes?" she asked, looking at me. "Umm I have something to tell you," I said, dropping my head down quickly to avoid eye contact. "No I have something to ask your ass," she dropped the spoon in the bowl.

What the fuck is this lady mad about already?

"Why the fuck is there condom wrappers laying on the floor in your room? Please explain that!" she went from zero to 100 too quick.

It caught me off guard so I said the first thing that came to mind. "Yo why you going in my room looking through my shit?" I yelled, catching an attitude.

"Oh so you bad now? You cursing in my house now? Last time I fucking checked, I pay the bills around here, this is my fucking house. I do what I want, you just live here because I allow you to. You're a fucking guest.

You disrespecting me by bringing niggas in and out of my damn house is about to get your ass tore up. Do you fucking understand?" she asked, mad but I was worse.

"The fuck? Are you serious right now! I'm almost legal, about to be 17. What the fuck do you want me to do? Be a lonely ass virgin all my life?" I got hype. I saw she was laughing, but I failed to find humor in any of this.

"You must really think you grown, cursing at your own mother like you lost your fucking mind. Like I won't grab the nearest pot and knock you the hell out.

You letting niggas in and out my damn house like you grown. I won't be fucking surprised when your ass get pregnant, too fucking fast," she pointed her fingers in my face.

"Too late for that. I am pregnant and it's by the same nigga that been running in and out the house," I said.

"Oh so that's what you had to tell me? You really think you grown huh? Got pregnant, talking back, fucking people under my roof, leaving dirty condoms around and your ass only 17.

You know what? You're not too old to get your ass beat but you know what, you better be fucking glad I can't beat your ass since you're pregnant," she said.

"And? What does that mean? I'm 17 and pregnant, I can take care of my own child. I don't need your help or anybody else," I got mad.

"Little girl, have you forgotten who does your laundry? Who's put food on the table and sheltered you for seventeen whole years? Who was that? Nobody but me. You have the nerve to tell me you can take care of a child when you can barely clean your ass good!

   If you truly believe you're as grown as you say, get the fuck out of my house, get out! I'm not going to tolerate this bullshit. I gave you everything I had, every part of me, every sacrifice I made as a mother and you, my own child, speaking to me like I'm your age!" she stood up, yelling.

"Okay and I will. I'll call when I'm in labor," I said walking out of the kitchen and going upstairs to get my stuff. I really can't believe she's kicking me out but I wasn't finna stay where I was unwanted.

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