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Shantii in Visual .


My alarm clock rung, waking me up from my sleep. I slammed my hand down on the off button.

I got up and stretched. Today was going to be a long day, it was a Tuesday. I already knew all of my teachers were going to find a way to annoy me about shit I didn't care about.

And Heaven dumb ass, never failed to piss me off. When I lunged at her the other day, Jaylon reached me in time to grab me and sit me in his lap.

Keshina told us about the carnival that would open at 6, and of course I was ready to slide through. Popcorn, funnel cakes, all of the rides, were just a few things I was looking forward to today.

Keshina told me Ja'Quinn was bringing the boys, which was weird to me because we always went to the fair by ourselves, just us girls, but I had no problem including the boys.

I grabbed my towel and headed into the bathroom, preparing for a shower. I scrubbed my body clean, and allowed myself a few minutes to think of my outfit for today.

While thinking, my phone rung, interrupting my music. "Yeah?" I called. "Good morning. I forgot what I was finna say, unt hold up. I forgot.." she trailed off.

"Keshina get your country ass off my phone," I laughed and hung up, allowing Kehlani to finish blasting.

I looked at the time, 7:49. I had to be at school around 8:30 and to do my hair takes long.

I sighed, wrapped a towel around me, and rushed into the room. I decided on a black mesh sweater, a black cropped camisole for underneath, a pair of navy blue high-waist jeans and a pair of all black and blue Jordans.

I wore a silver chain around my neck and a silver tribal ring in my belly piercing.

I took my scarf off, and removed the bobby pins out of my hair. I combed my hair down, plugged my flat iron up, and began sectioning my hair off and flattening it piece by piece.

By the time I finished, the clock read 8:13. I hoped I'd have time to go to the store and rush to school. If you were even a minute late, the administrators would jump down your back about tardiness.

You could tell them you visited a family member in the hospital, they'd still send your ass to detention.

I sprayed some perfume, slung my book bag over my shoulder, and rushed down the steps. My mom was in the living room, watching a soap opera.

I paused. "When did you get home?" I asked. She took a sip of her wine, "A few hours ago, I missed you," she answered.

I kissed her cheek briefly, "I love you, Ma," I spoke, and ran before she could respond. I opened the door and locked it before jumping into my Honda.

I started up the car, strapped up, and drove out of the driveway.

I pulled up to the store and rushed to throw my snacks on the counter. The man was taking too long to calculate the price.

"Can you speed it up?" I gave a weak smile, drumming my finger nails against the counter.

"$16.50," he finally spoke, with his hand out. He bagged the food up while I dug in my wallet, and threw him a $20. He was capable of working at a faster pace, but his laziness was going to make me get a detention slip.

I decided to help him. I grabbed a few bags, and stuffed my snacks inside. When I finished, I allowed him to keep the change before rushing out of the store and to my car. I checked the time.


Shit, I jumped into my car and sped off to the school. The familiar brick building came into view as I drove past it and into the parking lot. One final glance at the clock told me it was 8:29. I opened my car door, locked it and ran to the school doors.

The principal walked out of the building, handing out detention passes. He tried to walk up to me and hand me one, but I sped past him and into the cafeteria.

Everyone was walking to their classes, so I lost myself in the sea of kids. I walked up to my locker and saw all of the girls were there. I jumped on Sharanda's back and almost made her fall over.

"Girll...the fuck you doing," she laughed, arching her back so I could slide off. I smiled at her.

For some reason I was happy as hell, I think it was because Ma was finally home or maybe because Jaylon was now walking towards me, arms opened for a hug.

I slid into his embrace and allowed him to lift me off of my feet. He kissed my cheek, "I missed you," he mumbled. "I missed you too," I wrapped my arms around his neck.

His lips pressed against mines as I slowly lowered myself on the ground. His hands wrapped around my waist as I smiled before pulling away.

"You're going to the carnival?" he asked.

I nodded, stuffing my snacks inside my locker. Some food spilled out of the bag, I bent down to pick it up and felt a smack to my ass. I looked down the hall as some boy ran away. I sucked my teeth.

"So fucking disrespectful," I smacked my lips.

I turned to Jaylon but he disappeared. I looked back down the hall and saw he had the boy hemmed against the wall by his collar.

I sighed and took my slow time closing my locker before making my way over to them. "Jayy he's not worth it," I held his arm, when the boy's face began turning a slight purple.

He let go and followed me back to my locker. "Jaylon you can't go jacking people up like that, what if the principal was to randomly walk down the hall?" I pressed.

"Fuck that. He should not feel comfortable enough to touch you like that," he pulled me closer to him.

"You're right but don't get suspended, not for me," I shifted my weight, "you hear me?" I smiled.

"I hear you, I hear you," his lips curled into a smile of their own.

The bell rung, our lips connected, and I pulled back.

"I'll see you?" he asked.

"Lunch," I confirmed, winked and made my way to class.



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