horny idiots

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Amorin, Nae Vix and tsao walked through the large forest talking. "So, Vix why did you come i thought you hated our hunting nights?" Tsao questioned tilting his head. "I felt like it" Tsao shrugged. They stopped when they got to the exact middle, "Amorin you usually go alone because it safer for me and tsao to be together, buttt this time we havee piss baby over there so he can do with you today" Amorin crossed his arms and nodded "Alright cmon Vix i hunt in the canopies" Vix side eyed him and followed behind.

(after they left) 

nae: "They will find some way to fuck." 

Tsao: "What.."

nae: "nothing"

(back to them lol)

Vix walked beside Amorin his tail brushing the taller demon's leg, "I know the only reason you came out here." Vix looked away taking his hands from his pockets. "So?" Amorin sighed "It is that month.. what the fuck go ahead." Amorin stopped, Vix turned towards him and grabbed the taller demon's face pushing him to the grassy ground of the moonlit clearing, they were inches away from the canopies,  Amorin wrapped his hand around vix's back leaning into the kiss. Vix pulled back for a moment, "What's the matter, change your mind?" "This feels dirty.." "Because it is, im only good with it if you are though. "Shut up" Vix leaned back into the kiss 


2 hours later

"It is 2am the sun will rise soon. where the fuck have you two been." "We got lost" "-fell down a cliff" amorin and vix looked at each other embarrassed as they overlapped wording. Nae rolled her eyes. "lest just go back home you horny idiots.


these bitches fr

these bitches fr

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【Oc bullshit】【kny+】kinda a smut book <3Where stories live. Discover now