Amorin and vix again :333im so innocent

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It was a hot night fucking 78 degrees in the house, Vix couldn't sleep.

He walked down to Amorins room and opened his door. Amorin was at his desk writing in a book, startled he snapped attention to the door taking of the reading glasses.

"You know you look like a dad when you wear those." "I need them." Vix rolled his eyes "Couldn't sleep?" "Yea.. tsaos snoring is loud enough to be heard form naichingerus room, and its hot as hell "Ive tried to open windows and turn down the heat but its just a humid night i geuss" Vix sat on amorins bed and looked around his room. Amorin turn his chair around and rested his head on his fist. 

"If you cant sleep.. we could always have sex?" Amorin joked. Vix snapped his head around red as hell "IT WAS ONE TIME.." "Three." "well- i- SHUT" Amorin laughed at him and leaned back "I was joking, you have to start it first i dont want to make you uncomfortable"

Amorin stretched his shirt lifting as he laid his arms back out of the chair and groaned.

Vix watched him eye trailing down. "I can feel you staring at me." Amorin put his arms down and leaned back forward "Ew no i would never do something so foul" Amorin just shook his head and got up walking to his closet. "Im going to get changed, stay if you want" Before amorin could even reach the closet vix snatched his shirt and tugged at him. Amorin looked back and smiled sitting on the bed.

Vix flipped his legs over amorins body and looked down between the two. Without talking at all the two shared the same thought going in for a make out session. Vix opened his mouth letting amorin slide in his tongue. they pulled back as vix took off his shirt amorin doing the same.

The two demons fell back onto the bed amorin cupping vix's face and passionately continuing to kiss him.

Hot sweaty bodies press against eachother was the one thing the two wanted at the moment, distracting themselves from the humidity. Amorin ran his fingers through Vix's hair. Vix trying to top amorin even with the massive height difference failed. accepting it he let amorin run his hands down his body into his shorts and past his boxers. holding his lower hips now amorin slipped down vix's shorts vix pulled away and looked down then to his bare skin. "your burn marks are beautiful, dont worry" Vix looked at amorin almost tearing up. Amorin kissed his collar bone and slipped off his own clothing. Without preparing Amorin inserted into Vix. 

Vix tightly shut his eyes and covered his mouth tearing up from pain. "sorry.." Vix nodded quickly and took his hand down looking at amorins chest. He grunted starting to move his body up and down over amorins dick. Vix slightly arched his head back biting his lip. Amorin slid his hands from vix's thighs to his hips helping him ride.


The next morning Vix woke up barely able to move he had his arms wrapped around Amorins waist, meanwhile amorin had him cradled like a fucking baby still dead asleep. vix tried to get out of the bed but again could barely move. He slid out from under amorins satin sheets cold air touching his skin. he shivered and looked down noticing he was still bare naked. rushing to grab his shirt and shorts. after he got his clothes on he heard a yawn from the bed as amorin sat up and rubbed his eyes. "long night.." "Kill yourself..." "Good morning to you too"

Before they could say anything else Amorins door opened and nae stepped through.

Vix's hair was tussled and his lipstick was still smeared, he was barely able to stand on his own two feet.

Amorin sat up in the bed still unclothed, and messy haired.

"Did you two.." 'No...???? 😅" The two said in unison "JUST DATE ALREADY GOD DAM"

They both looked at eachother then looked away shaking their heads.


ur welcome leilani

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ur welcome leilani

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