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Please allow me to introduce myself, i am Taiku Ruji, i was born to a weathly family of clothing makers. Being a rich family we never had problems with money or a life style, but being wealthy can lead to unhealthy habits, my father developed a drinking problem after my brother Amorin was born. It only got worse when Ai, mukime and Shojiru were made. My father abused us often.and during one of his drinking dazes he sold our mother of to a courtesan house leavign me to take care of my siblings, because i knew danm well my father wouldn't. On Amorins 13th birthday, i was 15 by the time, i wrote my note and stuck it under a paper weight in my room

"My dear siblings, i am sorry but my body can not take more labor or beatings from father. I wish you well and when Amorin is Fifteen you will leave the house with him, escape the hell our father has created.  Though you may never see me again, know i am by your side along the way. Split my belongings do not fight over them, but whatever is there is up for taking.  

Sincerely your Nee-san, Taiku"

I grabbed the rope from the shed sneaking away from the house, i reached the woods, my legs grew weak "i have to.. get as far away from the estate.. as.." he blacked out on the cold soil..

【Hours later】

"Good morning my child" "..."

Taiku looked up at the lady across from his sitting on a large rock.

She had four large angelic wings and golden rings floating around her body.

"Who are you..?" 

"I am shonji.. i am a demon.. but i swear on my life to not hurt you."

He actaully belived them.. their voice was so calm

"I know why you are out here.."

"But why do that to yourself..? Im curious please tell me"

"Well..." Taiku looked down and explained his story "that is why.. i am here"

"I see.. you are a strong child making it through those years of abuse and hatred.."

"I want to become a demon." Shonji tilted her head down at Taiku "if that is what you wish."




How rude of me.. i didnt intoduce myself by my actual name! 

My name.. is Ruji, lowermoon two.

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