Modern kimetsu AU

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vix: 17

rukijin(amorin):17 (almost 18)

"Ruki'jin cmon lets atleast let Tsao know where we are?" "No that little shit will try to come" Vix followed behind Ruki'jin who was already making his way up the cliff side. "It will be fine Dear cmon" Vix rolled his eyes at the name and took ruki'jin's hand. "My uniform is going to  get dirty" "oh cry about it" Ruki's uniform had holes in it and was scuffed up already. "Were almost there" Ruki'jin lifted vix up as he held onto the base of a tree, Vix climbed over the top and saw the cabin. "This is dangerous" "You're the one who said i shouldn't go alone" Ruki'jin took his pocket knife out and cut a large thorn vine in Vix's path. "Cmon im almost dont renovating the inside so its not too dirty. 

They walked towards the Old cabin on the hill, it looked abandoned and old like it had been sitting there for years. "so this is where you're going to live when you turn 18? "Mhm" "your fmailys really that bad, huh" Ruki'jin unlocked the door nodding. The interior was actually quite nice, it was very large as well. "i actually knew the previous owner, he died like 2 years ago and said i could have the house." "that was- nice of them" Ruki'jin stepped on a roach crawling in the hallway as he made his way up the stairs. He opened the door to a small room sitting on the bed inside. "So why did you want to tag along, do you actually care what happens to me?" "..." Vix looked around the room. "It's not like i don't care. Honestly the first time you approached me i thought you were going to murder me" "Fair im tall for my age and i look like i went through WW2."  Ruki'jin crossed his arms and leaned back on the bed. "You're a funny person Vix." "Thanks Ruki."

【Oc bullshit】【kny+】kinda a smut book <3Where stories live. Discover now