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Metoru put his book and pen down looking over at Roulette who had just entered the room and flopped on his bed. Roulette was wiping blood from his nose blinking quickly so that he wouldn't cry. Metoru's eyes widened as he scrambled off his bed and to roulette. "Roul! What's the matter? who did this to you?" "It's okay me and Amorin got in a small fight."

"Small? It looks like he broke your nose?!" Roulette paused for a moment "Mabey.." Metoru ran and grabbed tissues from his desk and held them under roul's nose. "Head back" Roulette tilted his head back looking to the side. "God i hate when he does this to you, it better not have been for no reason or im going to have a bone to pick with his ass." Roulette took the tissue from his hands. "Hey, please promise me you won't go picking fights.. it pains me to see you like this.." "Im sorry.." Metoru hugged roulette, his nose finally regenerating to normal. 



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【Oc bullshit】【kny+】kinda a smut book <3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora