after that bull shit :)

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Amorin chuckled softly, rubbing his rough palm against Vix's ravenous ass, eliciting another moan from him. "Rough night, huh?" He said casually, sitting up straight and retrieving a fresh pair of shorts. Slipping them on, he strolled over to the dresser, rummaging through his drawers for a shirt. Turning around, he offered Vix a smirk. "Ill be downstairs whenever you're done playing dead," he joked,

Slowly, reluctantly, Vix peeled himself off the bed, stretching out his achy muscles. Groaning softly, he struggled to his feet and meandered towards the bathroom to freshen up. Returning seconds later, he descended the stairs after Amorin, Amorin ate some random body part hed pulled out of the cooler. 

being anorexic vix turned his nose up at the food "ew." "Is that how you thank someone who got you off three times last" He teased, spinning around to face Vix. "We've got things to discuss, issues to iron out." "We obviously need to talk about our relationship, hmm?" He added casually, took a seat at the tiny dinette table. "Come join me," he called out, crossing his arms over his broad chest. Vix glared at him, sitting down grudgingly. "Yeah, yeah, let's talk," he muttered, "What do you want to talk about then.." "Let's start with the fact that neither of us seems to be able to handle our emotions very well. We fight constantly, thinking we're protecting ourselves, but really, we're just driving each other crazy."  "We shouldn't suppress our emotions, especially not when they're strong ones like love and desire. They're natural parts of our relationship."

Pausing for effect, he leaned forward, his gaze locking with Vix's. "So, how about we make a promise right now? From today forward, we'll communicate better, listen to each other's needs and concerns, and try to understand each other's perspective?"(boy sthu) 

he reached for Vix's hand across the table, his thumb idly tracing circles on top of Vix's knuckles. "Will you give me a chance to prove myself? To show you that I can be a better partner?" Ill give you 3 chances.. you havnt been the best in the past.."

"Thank you," Amorin said sincerely, squeezing Vix's hand gently. "And I appreciate your trust. It means everything to me. Now, what about us cleaning up the bedroom? It looks like a whore house In there." Standing up, he stretched his arms overhead, popping his joints loud enough to make both of them flinch. Turning to Vix, he raised an eyebrow teasingly. "Your turn," he added, indicating the mess they'd created yesterday. "Kill yourself" he stood and walked off to his room

Grinning widely, Amorin watched Vix storm off, shaking his head affectionately. He busied himself with tidying up the remains of their passion session, chuckling softly to himself.

When he joined Vix in his room twenty minutes later, it was met with a suitably dramatic display of disgust from him: tossed pillows and used sheets scattered everywhere, mismatched socks littering the floor. "Gee, thanks for helping," Vix muttered sarcastically, tossing another pillow at Amorin's head.

But despite the external animosity, there was a hint of vulnerability in Vix's voice, a crack in his usual facade of nonchalance. Amorin caught it instinctively and decided to use it to his advantage. "Hey, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to push too hard back there," he apologized sincerely, moving over to clean up the worst messes first: the sticky stains on the sheets and the shattered glass fragments near the headboard.

"This dosnt mean we are dating." "You won't admit it." Amorin smirked. "We've just been carrying our baggage for too long, huh?" he continued, referring indirectly to their respective traumatic pasts. "Me, losing everyone I ever cared about, and you... well, you know your story better than anyone else does." 

Nodding sagely, Amorin set aside the blanket ruins and began picking up the various objects strewn across the floor. "So, how 'bout we start fresh today? No lies, no games, just us trying to understand each other better?" Once everything was neat andorderly again, he turned to face Vix, hands clasping behind his back. "Deal?" he said confidently, stepping forward and extending a hand. This time, instead of rejecting him, Vix hesitated for a moment before hesitantly putting his own hand in Amorin's "Ah.. Fine," he muttered reluctantly, meeting Amorin's gaze. "We'll try this again.."

vix looked away and went back to cleaning, when he'd finished Amorin was about to leave the room. "thanks" amorin looked back at him "no problem" 


We all know they gonna fight 24/7 again

We all know they gonna fight 24/7 again

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【Oc bullshit】【kny+】kinda a smut book <3Where stories live. Discover now