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Vix panics from loud noises :3


Tsao walked into the living room after a small mission "Vix! amorin look!" Vix and amorin were arguing about who gets to use the shower since the downstairs one was not working. "I took this gun from a slayer i killed!" (NOT GUNYA BRO SHUT YOUR MOUTH) "I wonder how it-" "Don't shoot that in the house vix-" Tsao didn't hear him quick enough and shot the gun at the wall. as soon as he shot it he knew he'd messed something up because vix had fallen to his knees hands over his ears.

"Oh my- im so sorry" "Tsao please go to your room- you're not in trouble" Tsao nodded and ran to his room.

Amorin kneeled down and patted vix's shoulder "Vix, dear are you alright" Vix didnt snap at the pet name, leading amorin to know he was not okay. Amoin hugged vix's shaking body. "Shh..."

Vix's breathing was unsteady and fast paced almost to the point where he couldn't breathe at all. "Vix, vix.." "No- no" vix shook his head "Dear look at me" Amorin took vix's hands down from his ears slowly, and looked up at amorin still panting like a dog. "Hey, hey breathe.." Amorin slid his fingers up vix's palms and held his hands trying to calm him down. "hey.. Vix it's just me, Amorin the person who loves you and is here for you.." "Amorin.. mhm your here- its okay" Amorin let go of vix's hands and hugged around his shoulders leaning forward so that they were touching foreheads. Vix took a deep breath and took his hands from the floor and wrapped them tightly around amorin. Amorin picked him up and brought him to the couch "Do you need to lay down?" "mhm.." Vix dug his head into Amorins chest as they laid down onto the couch. Amorin ran his fingers through vix's hair looking down at him. "Can you.. hum that song you always sing when you come out of your room?.." "this is love?" "Yea.." Amorin chuckled and started to hum the song 'this is love'. Vix smiled and closed his eyes. Amorin rubbed vix's back leaning his head back still humming.

【Oc bullshit】【kny+】kinda a smut book <3Where stories live. Discover now