How they fight now.. then before

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Amorin crossed his arms and shouted at vix about the broken door. Vix rolled his eyes and shouted back. "Look this is stupid. Just go to your fuckign room and confine yourself from the world you stoner, I mean how tf are you upper one if you don't do shit" "I do more than you you anorexic bitch I will fucking murder you" "then do it you pussy" amorin clicked his teeth and walked out back to his room" 


"YOU HAVE NO REASON TO BE UPPERMOON FIVE AND FUCKING STRONGER THAN ME" Vix tried taking control over Amorins shadow but failed getting pinned to the wall with a spear "its sure better than yours vixen" Amorins goofy smile had faded in a unimpressed frown as he gritted his teeth pushing the spear further into vix's shoulder. "Your yellings hurting  my ears, can you shut up?" Vix coughed as Amorin took the spear out and kicked vix to the ground. "UGH COULD YOU JUST KILL YOURSELF ALREADY WE ALL KNOW YOU WANT TO" Amorin laughed walking over to vix. "YOU STARTED A FIGHT FOR WHAT SO YOU COULD BEAT SOMTHING UP?" "I want your rank." Vix paused and frilled his wings out "if that fucker douma won't die im hoping you will vixen" "Amorin- let's talk about this" amorin stood over vix's body shaping the flesh spear into a nichirin katana holding it to the demons neck. "Any last words?" Before vix could speak Kyaji slammed the door open and peirced amorins body with a bloodcarved long sword. "Enough you two" Amorin gritted his teeth and stood up weakly. "Upper five, out." He retracted his sword and angrily mumbled somtbing walking out the door pulling his hair back up. 

【Oc bullshit】【kny+】kinda a smut book <3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu